You're... FAMOUS?

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Our day walking around the shops was very enjoyable, everyone seemed to have a blast!


At one point me and Thomas were walking around looking at all sorts of things, from stationary to books.

Suddenly out of no where Thomas asked me a question that I hadn't taken into consideration.

"Do your parents actually know who I am?" He asked, as we wandered slowly down a isle looking at books.

"I umm... didn't exactly tell them... That you were a famous actor if that's what your asking" I replied awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

"You didn't tell them? When do you plan on telling them?!" Thomas questioned, making a bit of a small drama over it, which was understandable in some forms.

"I don't exactly know to be honest..." I replied Just as we turned the corner into the dvd section, which gave me an idea.

"I think I have an idea though..." I had with a smirk on my face.


For dinner we all went to a fancy restraunt in the centre of town.

It was decorated with lots of reds, whites and blacks, it had a hint of a Romantic atmosphere to it j guess you could say.

We all enjoyed a good meal, and were shocked when it came to the bill.

Thomas kindly paid for my half and his own, while my parents paid for themselves and my brother.

When we all got home I decided to put my plan to tell my parents that Thomas was famous in action.

I gave out the idea that we were all going to watch a film when we got back, and everyone seemed to agree to the idea.

So when we got back we all got comfy in the living room, while I put on the film.

" I'm pretty sure there is an actor in here that you will all recognise." I told everyone, while I was putting the DVD in.

"Who is it?" My brother asked, he seemed tired but excited to watch a film.

"You'll all have to wait and see" I smiled as the maze runner lite up the screen.

I walked over and sat next to Thomas, my legs up on the sofa, with my head resting against his shoulder. Thomas had his arm around me holding me tight, I felt so safe in his arms.

A little while past and Thomas made his first entrance into the film.

"You are kidding, no way..." My mum said to herself, she glance over at Thomas, looking shocked.

Then my dad caught on a second later, chuckling to himself, he was surprised, while my mum was basically speechless.

"What? what are you all shocked about?" Tristan asked confused, no one answered him.

"WHAT IS ITTT?" He demanded everyone, I paused the screen with Thomas face on it, and pointed to the tv.

Tristan looked over and looked back at me and then back at the screen then to Thomas.

"You're... famous?!" Tristan yelled, finally clicking on. my mum was still sat there speechless.

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