Its him

73 8 4

Thomas POV

I held her hand, it was soft but cold, cold like snow in the winter time. It scared me to know that she could die, she could die because of me! This is all my fault, I let go of her hand and put my hands in my head "I'm so sorry tiff! This is all my fault" I feel tears trickle down my face. The moniter for her heart beat is still going "beep, beep, beep" I was glad to hear that sound, it told me she was okay, but anything can happen."i love you tiff" more tears trickle down my face,
"God forbid that you die, your to special!" I see tiffs phone on her bedside table, I grab it and turn it on, missed calls and lots of texts they were all from her family, I call her mum, she might not know yet, it's only been a few hours since the accident
"hello? Tiff? Are you okay?" Her mum said, hearing her family's innocent voice made me feel bad, sad and mad (rhyme!!) "hi, I'm one of tiffs friends" I replied, my breath unsteady "hello! Do you know why tiff isn't answering her phone?" She asked, so innocent! I can't do this, I just can't "yea, in sorry, you won't like what you will hear..." My voice unstable and stuttering "tell me please!" She said, I could hear her voice getting worried, I look at tiff, her limp lifeless body, just lying there "she was in a car incident, I'm sorry, it was my fault, I called her while she was driving! I'm so sorry, she is doing fine, and the doctors say that she is doing well" I say this fast, i was scared I didn't want her family to hate me, "omg!" I hear her gasp at the other end of the phone, I can tell her reaction, she had tears welling up in her eyes and trickling down her face, I don't see her but I can tell, I wish this was a dream, it's all my fault...

Tiffanys POV
I can't move, I'm stuck in this position, I can hear Thomas voice tiff I miss you so much, I love you" I hear him say, I hear him let out sobs, I try to call out to him THOMAS I LOVE YOU TOO! No reply to my remark, he can't hear me. I try to move but I can't, I miss him, I miss my family, i miss Dylan and Ki but most of all I miss Thomas, his beautiful brown eyes always sparkling and his beautiful smile. I miss everything.

Thomas POV
I had my hands in my head, it's been 3 days since the accident and she still hasn't woken up, I feel lonely without her even Dylan and Ki's spark in their eyes are gone. My phone starts ringing "hello?" I say into the phone "hello! Is this Mr Sangster?" The person at the other end asks "yes, who is speaking?"i ask "it's the police, we would like to see you down at the station, we would like to speak to you about the accident" as she says this my face drops, that means I have to leave Tiffany, she could wake up at any moment, and I could miss it. I guess I have to okay I will be there in 10" I say into the phone and hang up. Before I go I kiss tiff on the forehead "I will be right back, I promise" and I leave closing the door behind. As I exit the hospital I was welcomed by a wash of fresh air, it was nice to get away from the rubber, dieing smell that went on in the hospital. The next thing I know was pappazazi "hello! Thomas Sangster, why have you been in the hospital for the last 3 days?" "is it true there was an accident?" So many questions and cameras, I barge my way through and head to my car, they are so annoying!

I get to the police station early, I walk into reception "hello, Thomas Sangster, I was called in." I say to the lady at the reception "ahh yes, follow me" the lady says getting up from her desk and leading me into a room take a seat, the officer will be hear soon" the lady says leading me to a seat "thank you" I said smiling, she nodded and went out the door leaving me behind. The room had a desk in the centre of the room, with a few plants in the corners of the room. The door opened for me too see the officer that was at the crash "in glad you came Mr Sangster" the man said taking a seat at his desk "what did you want to ask me about?" I ask, cutting right to the chase "we want to show you the man that was in the other car, if you would like to know" the man asks, I nod "okay then, follow me" the man says as he stands up from his seat and leads me into another room, in the room was a glass window, it was like we were in a little booth. On the other side of the glass was a man, I recognised him! He was the man from a few nights ago! The one that tried to attack tiff. I was surprised he made it out of the crash alive. I feel anger boil up inside of me yet again, "its him."

70 reads!! Thank you guys I feel so happy, I am glad that you guys are wanting to read my story! I feel so touched!
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