Get your bloody hands of her

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After our date had ended Thomas drove me back to my apartment and walked me to my door "Thomas, I had a lovely night" I said to him smiling, I really did have a great time with him! "I am glad to hear that" he replied standing tall, I guess he was proud of the date. "Well I should go to bed" I said breaking the silence "okay then, goodnight tiff" Thomas said smiling at me, "I unlocked my door and went inside, just before I closed it I came running back out and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he looked completely shocked "night Sangster" I smirked as I slowly backed away to go back inside, he smiled at me and then I closed the door, he was gone. I couldn't stop thinking about him, his deep chocolate eyes, his cute smile and his beautiful blonde hair all brushed to one side. Everything about him was perfect. I woke up at 1am to hear the apartment above me playing music really loud, bashing and banging was heard against the floor, I guessed they were having a party. I sent a text to Dylan saying

Hey, are you sleeping?

It was a stupid question! OF CORSE HE WOULD BE SLEEPING! Omg I am so stupid, it's too late now, he is going to get that text and then start complaining to me about why I would text him at this time.
To my surprise he text back a few minutes later

Yes, I WAS! I was having such a good dream about playing hide and seek in ikea! Everyone was there and me and you were teamed up and Thomas and ki where in a team! It was epic
Dylan the sexiest man alive

Okay! Seems like a good dream! Who won?

I didn't get to that part because YOU woke me! Why'd you text anyway?
Dylan the sexiest man alive

Because the people above me are having a party and the music is really loud so I couldn't sleep.

Haha looseeerrrrrrr!

Not funny! I am really tired

Why'd don't you ask them to turn down the music or something?
Dylan the sexiest man alive

Cause that never works in movies... Your no help! Bye

I decided to go knock on Thomas' house, or should I? Will he be sleeping? Should I disturbed him? No I couldn't could I? That would be rude! Plus it's in the rules of dates that you have to wait at least 24 hours before seeing them again, right? I know! Dylan and ki are staying at Thomas' house so I can get Dylan to let me in right? Yea that will work! I'm such a smart ass.

Hey Dylan, do you know where Thomas keeps his house keys?

Yea I do, I thought you said I was no help...
Dylan the sexiest man alive

Well you are now, I will be at the door in a second, I need you to let me in!! Can you do that?

I guess so... But I have to get out of bed...
Dylan the sexiest man alive

Okay then... I will make you a hot chocolate there if you do it for me!-_-

Dylan the sexiest man alive

I quickly got one of my hot chocolate sachets for Dylan and the. Hopped out the door and ran to Thomas house in my pjamas cause no one will see me will they? I was wrong... Unfortunately it was a warm night and I was wearing my short pj bottoms and a loose pj top, and coming down the road was a jeep with there headlight on full beam coming down the road "crap" I muttered under my breath as I quickly made a run towards Thomas' house the jeep pulled over at the apartments and a tall man with a big bushy beaded got out and saw me running down the street, I guess he was going to the party and he yelled out "mama! Where are you going?" I stopped and turned around to see him running after me "hey leave me alone!" I screamed as loud  as I could "your coming with me to this party!" His voice was deep and harsh, he grabbed hold of my legs and through me over his shoulder and started walking back towards the apartments "DYLAN!! HELP ME!! DYLAN!" I screamed as the man was carrying me down the street, I heard a click from the door unlocking and saw Dylan running out of the house and up to the man "DYALN! OMG!" I was screaming so loud that the next thing I know is Thomas and Ki running out the door as well and down towards me. "GUYS!! HELP!" Dylan leaped on to the guy making him fall to the ground, thomas comes next jumping on to his "GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OF HER!" He screamed as he and Dylan started punching the man, I saw Ki come round the the front of the man and giving punches in the face, I was kicking my feet and waving my hands in the air "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I yelled at the man, he soon released me from his grip, I quickly got up and off the ground and brushed myself down, the man suddenly jumped up and started to make a runner in my direction, he went straight passed me running at full speed, I run after him and kicked him as hard as I could in the 'I think you know what' he fell to the ground and hit his head of the concrete path Thomas came running up after me along with Dylan and Ki "are you alright?!" Thomas asked worry and curiosity on his face "I think so..." I replied panting,
"What happened?" Ki and Dylan asked "jinks!" Ki quickly said before Dylan could say it as well "Aww come on man!" Dylan said still panting as well "I will tell you when we get inside" I said as we all slowly walked back to the house because we were all so worn out "guys I think we should hurry he is getting up" Ki said he was right, the man started to stand up and limp towards us getting faster and faster, we quickly ran to the door and locked it quickly before collapsing on the floor or sofa, after a few seconds we heard bashing on the door "oh crap" Dylan said, a scared look on his face "he's gonna kill us!" Ki yelled and then hid in a corner "he is not going to kill us!" Thomas said laughing a tiny bit "well you didn't kick him in the parts!" I yelled "yea I'm going upstairs to hide"dylam said as he started heading upstairs
"me 2"
"Me 3"
Before I went upstairs me and Thomas grabbed some food to take up with us for everyone to snack on
"What took you so long?" Ki asked as we came through the door "we just got some snacks for us all" me and Thomas said throwing Them both some crips and chocolate "oh boy! Yess!!" Dylan cheered "you guys are smart!" Ki yelled "we know" I said smirking. After a while the banging at the door started to calm down, so I went to look out the window to see the guys start walking away "guys he is going away!" I yelled, Dylan jumped up to look for him self "HA, he is pathetic, LOSER!" Dylan shouted so loud the man actually heard and turned around to see me and Dylan quickly pop our heads down under the window "oh shit" Dylan muttered "do you think he saw us?" I asked, Thomas went to look out the window to see what the man was doing "yup he saw you!" Thomas said popping the p "what's he doing?" Ki asked coming over to look for himself "HAHA!" Ki laughed "what??" Me and Dylan asked "he put the middle finger up at us!" Thomas laughed, we all burst out laughing "he is gone now" Thomas said recovering from the fit of laughter "so what did happen?" Dylan asked "I don't really know, first thing I know is I left my apartment and I was walking down towards your house and then this jeep pulled up outside the apartments and just picked me up and said I am going to the party with him..." I replied, I told the story and the 3 boys just sat there, their mouths hanging open "why where you coming to my house anyway?" Thomas asked raising his eyebrows "umm well..." I scratched my neck "there was a party going on above me and I couldn't sleep so well... I text Dylan and asked him to unlock the door for me because I didn't want to wake you." I stuttered a few times because I was kinda embarrassed about the whole situation "oh okay! I wouldn't of minded if you woke me up!" Thomas replied, laughing a tiny bit about how I was going red "speaking of Which where is my hot chocolate?" Dylan asked eyeing me "SERIOUSLY?? I almost diedddd!" I yelled half laughing "well I'm sorry I just want a hot chococlate!" All I could say to myself over and over and over was wow

Thomas got Dylan moved on to the couch so I could sleep in a bed and get a good night sleep, Dylan took the idea quite well, I guess he agreed, in the end Dylan did get his got chocolate but I ended up making for Thomas and Ki as well.

Well tonight was eventful.

OMG! Guys we got over 50 reads!! I know this is nothing compared to the people who have 3kbreads! But it's an achievement for me! Thank you!! This chapter was really random and stupid, Idek this was just a filler for the next chapter. *Grins evilly*

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