Spark of Life (Francine Frye, aka Electra)

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"Fuck this!" She yelled, throwing the object in her hands towards the wall. She groaned loudly in her room, panting slightly. The sudden urge that had invaded her body almost a week ago had become unbearable. Her hand quickly went down, massaging the area to seek slight comfort but even that was not getting any results. "What the fuck is happening to me?!"

All she could remember was the spider's bite she suffered a week ago, which coincided when all of her problems started. The unbearable pressure on her insides were already affecting her greatly, and nothing seems to help her alleviate the pain it gave her.

Her eyes looked out the window, as if expecting the answer to fall down the skies. She was desperate enough to feel even the slightest of relief. She was sure that she would even seek help from one of her friends in the Syndicate if she needed to, but all of them were off doing their own things.


The very familiar yet annoying sound entered her ears as she carefully watched the arachnid hero swing from the buildings. Her eyes stared right at the hero, with her mouth slowly twitching into an almost maniacal grin. She needed to feel relief as soon as she could and if the arachnid hero of New York could provide her with said relief, she would take that opportunity. She really does not care about anything else right now.

"Well..." She started, her eyes glowing slightly before they started to emit electricity in tiny arcs. Her grin grew wider, with her tongue slowly licking her own lips in anticipation. She was Francine Frye, the only owner of the mantle of Electra after being forced to change the mantle of Electro after her ex-boyfriend came back from the dead, and she was going to catch herself a spider to play with.

Time Skip

"Why do I have the feeling that someone is thinking about doing something to me..." He whispered, crouching at the ledge of one of the many buildings around. He was on the lookout, searching for any kind of problem that may be around. But the feeling of dread was there. "Well... This is almost every single day, so it shouldn't matter much"

He was the Amazing Spider-Man, the local hero of New York and known as Peter Parker to a few, is the one who protected the civilians from the bad guys. And he was almost done with his patrol for the day. He had not found a single crime ever since he stopped Rhino from robbing a bank. But before he swung away and back to his apartment, his senses alarmed him. But he was way too late to react on time.

"Hehe~" His eyes widened looking at the face of the villainess that was holding him down on the roof. He watched just how Francine Frye was looking at him with a crazy and maniacal grin on her face. His eyes showed slight fear, watching just how the female on top of him was licking her lips in desire. "I finally found you, spider~"

"Francine?!" His voice almost shrieked in fright seeing the villainess acting in such a way with him. He wanted to bolt out of there, get out of her hold and just disappear from her sight. But even he knew that Francine had speed like lightning. He was not getting anywhere if she did not allow him. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You know..." Her voice sounded sultry, a need in her voice made it clear to him that something was wrong with her. "Now that I'm closer to you..." She never acted this way with him, not even when she started acting as a villain. Hell, she hated him as much as Dillon hated him. And that was saying something. "You look very delectable~"

"Sh-" He was interrupted when the female villain burned his mask with her electric powers and kissed him straight on the lips. He couldn't even react correctly, the kiss from the female villain neutralizing him momentaneously. He was sure that Spider-Man felt a bit of tongue in the kiss. Though it was not long before he managed to remove her from himself and spin a web as far away as possible, landing on the side of the wall. "Are you crazy?!"

"What?" Francine levitated towards him while using her electricity to manipulate the electrons in the air. "You engage me when I try to kill you..." He gulped, seeing her eyes glow an electric blue. He felt unable to leave her, her actions made him see that she was not alright. That something was wrong with her. But even he knew that she did not care about any of that any longer. "But you try to run away when I just want to love you?" She neared her mouth right to his own. He felt her pants, the agitated breaths that she took every second. "So... Who is the crazy one here~?"

Peter was not able to react, feeling the lips of the villain on his own once again. She grabbed his neck, making him unable to separate himself from her. But even then, he knew that his willpower to separate her had crumbled. Just tasting her soft lips over and over again was winning him over. And it did not take long before he was really invested into reciprocating the actions from the villainess all over his body.

He could even feel just how one of her knees rubbed against him, exciting him even further than before. He was thankful that the two of them were over some buildings, and that no one was able to see them together. But he knew that it would be a matter of time before he hears things of what is happening right now from other people's mouths.

A groan escaped from his throat, feeling a slight spark coming from their kiss. She was sensually biting his lower lip, before heading straight back into their kiss. And he did not relent in any shape or form. He was returning every bit of action she did against him. But only one thing was certain, things would never be the same between the two any longer.

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