Chapter 2

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Mercedes caught up to Marcy as the younger mom went downstairs for breakfast. "Hey? I never got to ask about Sugar and her dad."

"What about them?" The green eyed imp asked.

"Did you see them before you came home?"


"How was it?"

"He wasn't the happiest but he understands his place."

Mercedes worried about that.

Marcy took her arm as they made it to the dining room. "Don't worry so."

Mercedes smiled. Mal had to keep her pregnant forever.


Merceds had the idea to have study parties on Tuesdays. She didn't want any of her friends held back. So on Tuesday, that's what they did after practices.

But Wednesday was Relaxation Day. Marcy would continue doing the exercise she did on Artie's birthday for the group and they'd have afternoon tea the way she liked.

It was exactly what they needed for Hump Day.

Thursdays were Girls Night/Boys Night. Kurt and the girls got together while Marcy, Karou and the boys got together.

Fridays and Saturdays were for date night and Sundays were for church and family.

But today was Tuesday and the group was being introduced to their new members.

Mr. Shue had the new six say who they were and what they wanted out of their lives.

Jake went along with Rory Flanagan (a sophomoric foreign exchange student living with Brittany the year) and a freshman named Ryder Lynn. Sugar went along with Kitty Wilde and another freshman girl, Marley Rose.

Mr. Shue was pleased with their choices and had the group come up with songs for the next week, Spirit Week.


"Ugh! I forgot all about Spirit Week!" Santana groaned.

Quinn rubbed her stomach gently. "Me too."

"We can go shopping Saturday." Marcy sat with her limbs crossed. "Now hush. This is a quiet exercise."

Mercedes squealed. "I'm sorry! You want to go shopping?!"

"Not really want but we don't have anything ready."

That made sense but Mercedes was still happy.


"Where are we going to go?" Mike wanted to know.

"We can play video games at my house." Finn offered.

"That'll be easy on Marcy."

"I'm surprised she still wants to be bothered with us." Artie was.

"She's definitely more girly in pregnancy but she's sick of them."

Artie fell out laughing as Finn's mouth fell open. "You said that!"

"I did." Mike admitted.

Artie was no good. "Have I said you're my best friend?"

Finn pouted.


Marcy fled straight to a bathroom to go vomit. She didn't have it often anymore but she still had sneak attacks of morning sickness and even worse, a leaky bladder.

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