Chapter 3

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Winter was standing in a large field with only the grass around him. No dragons seemed to be anywhere close and he wondered if maybe this was the "eternal resting place". Did he die from too much flying? He didn't even know who those dragons were!

Looking around, nothing seemed to be close. If this was death, then wouldn't it be a little more crowded with other dead dragons? And if he wasn't dead, then where was he?

"Hello?" he called out into the empty sky, but got no answer. Then, he saw a bright light come for him. Was this it?

Winter bolted up and was breathing heaving. Not dead!

He looked at where he was and now it seemed a little too crowded. He was laying on a polar bear-fur bed and inside what looked to be a cave. There were herbs all around the cave, but no dragons. Where was he? 

"Did those blurry-white dragons do something with me?"

"Weird, huh?" Winter spun around and saw... Changbai!

"Changbai?!" he gasped. Changbai was Winter's one and only childhood friend and one of the closest dragons to him. Growing up, the two had done lots together and it was a little strange for Winter considering Changbai was in a middle class family and he, at the time, was prince of the Icewings.

"How have you been, master Winter?" Changbai asked, smirking.

"You know I'm not a prince anymore!" Winter growled. "So stop with the formalities! Now why are you and me here?"

"Meh." Changbai shrugged. "I was lost and ended up passing out close to here. When I woke up, I was laying in this cave with you knocked out beside me."

"Any idea why we're here?" Winter asked, getting up from his resting spot. Maybe Changbai would have some idea about what was going on in this strange world.

"I've seen a some dragons flying around from time to time, but I know nothing else."

"Just great." Winter hissed. "I guess that just leaves us flying out into somewhere we've never been and finding some answers, which may cause trouble for the dragons or whatever they are that reside here."

"An adventure!" Changbai exclaimed.

"I swear, how are you still an Icewing?" Winter sighed. 

"Don't know! Now let's go Mr. Annoyed."

Winter shook his head and followed Changbai out of the small cave. Outside, there were dragons all over the place! They were talking among one another, flying up and down, and some were giving Winter and Changbai weary glances. "Well what was I expecting? They probably haven't seen dragons like us before."

The dragons were as white as Icewings, but has what looked like oil all over their bodies. A few had shapes of moons, some fire, and some just lines. Whatever these dragons were, they were way different than what Winter was used to.

"I thought you said, "some dragons." Winter echoed.

"I did." Changbai coughed. "Seven hours ago..." Winter put his talons to his face as he tried to put down his disappointment. Really how was Changbai still in the Ice Kingdom?!

"So our guests have arrisen from their slumber!" Said a dragon directly infront of the two Icewings. She had more oil marks than some of the other dragons, wore glasses, and had what looked to be leaf head-ware. She gave Winter the chills and it was already cold enough.

"Who are you?" Winter asked the newcomer.

"I am the teller and healer of this dragon continent of Polaria."  She said, smiling. "And what are your names?"

"I am Winter." he told her. "And this dragon is Changbai. We are from the continent of Pyrrhia and seem to have lost our way. Do you know the way back?"

The teller seemed to be thinking about all that he had said before she spoke. "I think we may have some scrolls with a map or two. You could try there later if needed. For now, I should have the chief's daughter escort you around."

"And who-" Winter was cut off by the entrance of another female dragon. This female didn't have any of the "oil marks" and looked kind. She had gleaming white scales all over and a crown on her head. "Sheesh she looks good. Is she the queen of these dragons?"  Winter looked over at Changbai for advice, but he was just staring in awe at the dragon. "No, Changbai! This is not the time to fall in love with another female!"

"Greetings, Winter and Changbai of Pyrrhia." the female said in her beautiful voice. "My name is Princess Gleam of the Polarwings and daughter of our chief. May I show you two fine dragons around?"

"Let's go!" Changbai shouted exclaimed.

"Uh, sure?" Winter agreed, hastily.

"And this is the great fountain where most of our freshwater comes from." Gleam told them. "Over there is where all of the important figures like yours truly house. And lastly there is the ocean which surrounds us all!"

Winter frowned at the princess. Why was everyone so cherry lately? Were there any reasonable dragons on this new continent. "I wish Lynx was here to help me out."

"So what do you do in your free time?" Changbai asked her.

"Meh. I mostly spend time alone in my hut or off hunting. Just usual dragon stuff."

"Usual dragon stuff?"  Winter didn't know why, but he imagined that all other princes and princesses would be living a more comfortable life. Yet, she sat alone all day with nothing to do?! Didn't she have atleast one friend she hung out with? "Do you have friends at all?"

"I do." Gleam explained. "Her names Penguin. She is my best friend, but is usually off with her boyfriend these days. And no offense to him, but he sucks."

"Harsh." Winter observed. "Well why don't you go and hang out with them?"

"My father has been very demanding on me getting a boyfriend lately so someone can take his place as leader of us. And while most males try to go for me, I hate them all. Why can't I just be leader?!"

"You want to take a break, don't you?" Changbai asked.

"Yes!" Gleam agreed. "But like I said, I don't like any of the males around. Wait! Winter, could you pretend to be my boyfriend for the time being so I can get out of this mess for a bit?" 

Winter had to push down a rising laugh as he saw Changbai's face turn angered. "Someone jealous?"  Winter shook is head in a No and explained he couldn't do that right now. Gleam humbly understood and they passed on to a different conversation.

"So is there anything else you guys would like to know about us?" Gleam asked.

"Yes actually." Winter told her. "Why is every one of your dragons so interested in me and Changbai? Some are casting worried looks and some super excited. I know were newcomers, but isn't this a little over the top?"

Princess Gleam frowned. "Are you sure you would like to know?"

"Yes!" Winter and Changbai said in unison.

"Alright." Gleam sighed. "Not to long ago, our teller saw of horrific events yet to come. She said a few species were coming for our continent with different ambitions. One of them wanted to help us and one to destroy. The idea is one of you will be my partner and the other... will die."

Winter and Changbai looked at the Princess, both with looks of horror in their eyes. One of them would have to die and neither would be able to leave here?! "I'll never see Lynx or my friends again!"

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