Chapter 9

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"So this is why you don't trust other dragons!" Gleam barked in Winter's face. "Who'd want to even spend a day with a dragon as bad as you!" Winter and Gleam were having an argument, but Winter didn't know why. They were supposed to be flying to his home, not arguing on personal issues.

"Why is everyone against me these days? It could be in a dream or a real world and either way they all yell in my face for things that aren't even my fault!" 

"What did I even do to you?" Winter asked.

Gleam bared her teeth. "To me! What haven't you done to every dragon you meet?!" Suddenly, everyone Winter knew was in front of Winter. There was Gleam, Changbai, Moon, Qibli, Kinkajou, Turtle, his sister and brother, Lynx, his mother, and hundreds more! All looking at him with hateful expressions.

"Why are you so horrible?!" Qibli growled.

"It's always about you." Lynx snarled.

"Maybe you should just go away forever you jerk!" Moon barked. "Get away!"

Everyone yelled nasty things at Winter, all why he watched with a confused expression. How could the whole world be against him? Why in the world was he getting the blame all the time when he tried his hardest?! Even Lynx and Hailstorm were showing him hate that seemed so large.

Winter walked away from the commotion as he had done so many times before and then felt as something beneath his feet disappeared. Looking down, the floor was... gone! He was falling into a total black abyss!

Winter woke up in a sweat, still in the island from the day before. Gleam was still sleeping and seemed to be to busy now to throw insults at him. "Just a dream. Again..." Winter looked into the sun that now rose over the sea, sweating like crazy! This was yet another dream about being left in the dust and he knew that this was a major possibility. His friends had pushed him away on Pantala, so why wouldn't it be a possibility for them to put him away fully?

Winter knew that he shouldn't worry about these things, but they still had him worried. "I need to find Kinkajou though, so my fears will have to wait!" He looked down at the sleeping dragon next to him and decided to wake her.

Once Gleam was awake and they'd both had a bite to eat, the two flew off toward Winter's home. "Only a day way! We're so close!"

"We'll I've never seen you this happy!" Gleam laughed. "You must be happy to see all your friends again." Winter was in agreement with her as little by little, the shores of his home came into sight. This was a sure moment he'd been waiting for! The only sad thing was Lynx had gone to Pantala as well, meaning Winter couldn't see her while he was back. He'd just have to wait for her to return later. So, the dragons for him to catch up with ended up being minimal. "So what do you think we should do first?" Gleam then asked him.

"First, we need to find someone to relay the information we have to." Winter suggested. "If we can find my friend, Blizzard, or my brother we can have them give it off to Queen Snowfall." Winter knew that Gleam could get that much information about this plan.

"What about your others siblings?" Gleam asked. "Do you have a sister or something?" Winter stopped his train of thought and went to thinking about his sister. Icicle would be ok for this, but...

"She's in jail..."

"Why?" Gleam questioned, seeming very confused. Winter thought for a minute before answering her. There were many reasons for Icicle to be in jail, but her punishment did seem harsh. Besides, did he really need to talk about his horrid family right now? His sister was in jail, his father was dead, his mother was hated by Queen Snowfall for existing, and he was an exile. Not exactly a good image for a part of the royal family... Only his brother was any good for the Icewing Kingdom.

"It's complicated..." Winter sighed at last. "She should be out in a short while though. Anyway, we're close to the beaches of the Sandwing kingdom. Let's land." Gleam nodded and they proceeded to drop.

When the two dragons it the burning sand, they winced at the incredible heat. "I need to get to the Ice-Kingdom as soon as possible!" Winter looked around and questioned something. "Where are all of the Sandwings?"

"Is your home always so... desolate?" Gleam asked.

"No." Winter said. "Where are all of the Sandwings?"

"Sandwings?" Gleam echoed.

Winter sighed. No time to explain all of this when the entire dusty sands were abandoned! "Let's just head for the Icewing Kingdom. It should only take half a day to make it there so let's hurry!"

Winter and Gleam rushed off for the kingdom, questions haunting Winter's mind. What had happened to the Sandwings to make them disappear? Was Pyrrhia hit or did they go to war while he was gone? "If so, my suspicions tell me I know who's behind this one. I should get to my cousin as fast as possible and warn her!"

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