Chapter 6

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"How did they already find us!" Claw screamed in terror. "My masters plan was amazing and should have alt least gotten us to the half-way point before they found out anything!"

The tiny human gritted his teeth together. "This one must have been following us from the start and overheard our plan. I guess now we just have to loose them!" Following the human's orders, the group flew faster and faster to get away from the figure chasing them. Yet, the dragon flew faster as well and Winter knew that it was only a matter of time before they caught them and dragged them back to Polaria.

"What do we do?" Winter asked anxiously. "They're going to get up to us soon!"

"We have to loose them!" Claw assured before her master could say anything. "Maybe we could fly through that storm up ahead." Directly in-front of the dragons was a huge thunderstorm that hung over tons of water so that Winter couldn't see where it ended. He wondered if they would all even make it out alive.

But, he got no say in the matter. The rest of his group flew straight for the thunder and lightning, forcing him to follow. He didn't know why they all wanted to try for this crazy plan, but he couldn't just stay back and get caught.

Inside the storm, Winter couldn't see anyone of his friends or the human and Claw. He was the only one in his tiny place and the only comfort was the fact the mystery dragon had disappeared. "Now I just need to find everyone else and get out of this storm!"

Winter searched the massive cloud of thunder, but not one dragon was in sight for miles. He couldn't see the icy white scales of Changbai or the dusty yellow of Claw. He was all alone...

Winter searched for what felt like a week to find his comrades, but not one dragon had turned up. All that seemed to be in the massive cloud was him and some lightning. "I'm getting tired and don't seem to be finding anyone."

His stomach was clenching from the lack of proper nutrition and his wings felt like they were about to give out. Winter couldn't search anymore and would have to focus the rest of his energy on getting out of the storm and onto some land to rest.

Flying down to the bottom of the storm, Winter could feel his body coming close to giving out. He didn't have the energy to fly anymore and was almost confident his body would give out any time soon. "I think I'm-" And then he fell out of the sky and all went black...

Winter was standing in a huge, open field with flowers everywhere. Roses here, some dandelions, and the amazing scents they gave off. It was like this place made all of Winter's worries drift away. "This place is not where I would think I'd be after falling out of the sky. Did I die?"

He looked around for signs of a dragon or even animal, but there was nothing around. If something was with him, Winter couldn't see it. "Hello? Is Anyone out there?"

Still, the silent abyss of the land was overwhelming and caused Winter some grief. "I have to be dead and that is not good!" The only thing that gave Winter some hope was the fact no one else was here, showing that there was a chance he could just be dreaming.

"I wonder how I'm going to get out of here." Winter asked himself aloud. "Maybe if I pinch myself with my talons." Winter tried multiple ideas to get out of the place he was in, but nothing worked. "Gah!"

Winter sat down and decided to think about his situation. Why should he rule out death or sleep? Why should he believe he was dead or sleeping? "There is no proof of dead dragons here but pinching doesn't wake me up. Flowers are nice for a dead place but also for a sweet dream. GAH THIS ISN'T HELPFUL!!!"

Giving up, Winter decided there would only be one way out of this mess. "I need to find the exit!"

Winter jumped up and ran through the fields, looking for an exit. Some sort of light or maybe a cliff he could jump off of. It took him a long time, but he finally found something that could help him. "A rock wall! I could fly into it! Pure genius!"

Winter steadied himself in front of the wall and readied himself to fly straight into the rocks. The idea was if he flew into it dead, it wouldn't hurt him. If he flew into it sleeping, it would wake him up. "This is it!" Winter flew as fast as he could for the structure. When he hit it, he awoke on a beach under leaves. "I was sleeping!"

He looked around and saw some peculiar things. Dragon footprints, a fire, and food on the ground. "I just escaped dragons and now there are more!"

"Hello?!" he called, hoping for someone to answer. Maybe this dragon would be someone who would help him

"Glad to see your awake."

"Oh no!" The dragon who had saved him was a female with icy-white scales. She had a few oil stripes on her and a crown on her head. "It's Princess Gleam"

Wings of fire #17-LostWhere stories live. Discover now