⚡️ Chapter Three ⚡️

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Mikasa and the others brought us back to where we stayed last night, so Jean and I could put our ODM gear on. It feels so much better to be back with everyone, well, excluding Captain Levi, Eren, and Historia.

"Are you sure they did nothing to you?" Armin asks, immediately joining my side once we land on a rooftop.

I nod, adjusting my cloak. "Yeah. I'm sure...just as sure as the other four times you've asked me already." I start to walk over to where Mikasa and Jean are standing.

I don't want him knowing that they did do something to me. It's already bad enough that it happened and Jean had to watch. He probably would've been able to kept his cool, but I don't want him to possibly lose it over this.

Armin quickly gets in front of me. "I'm sorry. I just want to make sure that you're okay."

I put my hands on his shoulders. "Look at me. I'm fine. I don't have a single scratch or bruise on me. Besides, now that I'm with you guys, I'm definitely okay."

He nods. "I'll make sure to keep you safe."

I smile softly and drop my hands from his shoulders. "I'll do the same for you as well."

He steps aside. "You can go over to Mikasa and Jean now."

I continue my way over to the both of them. I wanted to join Connie and Sasha, but I didn't want to interrupt their lively conversation. What they're talking about...I have no guesses. They could be talking about literally anything.

"Shortie." Jean greets, once I'm in close range of him and Mikasa. "I didn't think you had it in ya to lie, especially to Armin."

I sigh. "I don't want him to get mad and get distracted right before we head out."

"Still. It's shock-" Jean starts.

"Just drop it." Mikasa orders. "It's not the first time she's lied. I know she'd lie to him a lot when we were kids."

"That's only when I'd get picked on by those boys when I'd go out alone, since he was sick." I explain. "I'd then go back home and he'd ask if I was picked on."

"And you would lie and say'no'?" Jean asks.

I nod. "Yeah...I mean, it usually didn't last long. Eren and Mikasa would always come-"

"I hear shooting!" Sasha abruptly exclaims, which makes all of us look at her. She points at the gate. "From there! I...I heard close to a dozen shots!"

"Do you think they ran into some trouble?" Jean asks.

I nod solemnly. "It seems so...at least our disguises gave them a little time..."

I notice Jean clench his fist. "With what you went through, it should've given them-"

"The captain gave me a message." Mikasa randomly informs, cutting Jean off again. Oh yeah...the message. She never told us it in that warehouse.

"What is it?" I ask.

She looks at me, well, all of us. "As of now, it's not just Titans...we're fighting humans too."

We all gasp lightly. I thought she had told the others already because of how they reacted when she said she had a message at the warehouse, but I guess she didn't tell them.

"You don't mean-" Jean starts, but Mikasa shoots her hooks into a nearby rooftop and flies off before he can finish.

"Hey!" Connie exclaims and goes after her.

"Let's go!" Jean orders and goes after Connie, with Armin, Sasha, and I following him.

I stare blankly at the ground the entire over to the gate. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we have to fight humans now. How am I supposed to kill a human if I can't even kill a Titan?! How am I going to do this without any hesitation?!

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