⚡️ Chapter Eight ⚡️

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We all climb up into the hole Sasha and Connie found and climb to the surface. Looking up, I can see Moblit and Armin looking down at us.

As we get closer to the top, they both reach down to help people up. I was one of the last ones up, since I let the others go in front of me. Not Captain Levi though. He would not let me go last, so he's the only person below me.

I reach up and grab Armin's hand and he pulls me on up. Finally being on the surface and seeing him again, I hug him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I inform.

He hugs me back. "I wasn't in much danger up here. I'm glad that you're okay. You were down there while Historia's father was transforming. You were in a lot more danger than I was."

I pull away from the hug. "That doesn't change anything. I'm still glad that you're here."

"You and I both." He replies.

"Hey!" Someone exclaims from far off. I don't recognize the voice at all. The person arrives and it's a fellow Scout and he has an extra horse.

"Are you here with Commander Erwin?" Levi asks.

The Scout nods. "Yes, sir."

"Leave the horse and go tell him that we have Eren and Historia." Levi replies.

The Scout drops the reins of the other horse and rides off to go tell Commander Erwin that we've succeeded in getting Eren and Historia back.

"Everyone load up." Levi orders, climbing onto the horse. "We're going to meet up with Erwin."

"Sir, we still need one more horse." I inform.

"Damn..." He curses. "Moblit, ride in the cart. Make sure Hange doesn't bleed out. Mikasa, you'll take his horse. Y/n, just ride with someone else."

"You can ride with-" Both Connie and Jean start at the same time. They stop and look at each other. Although, it kind of looked like they were glaring at one another.

Sasha rides up in between the two and up to me and reaches her hand down to me. "Ride with me, before a fight breaks out between those two."

I grab her hand and climb on behind her. I rest my hands on her shoulders, so not to make her uncomfortable.

"Good. Now we can ride out." Levi says, before riding away, leading us to Erwin.

"Sasha?" I start.

"Yes?" She replies.

"You said a fight would break out between Jean and Connie. Why?" I ask.

She almost pulls back on her reins, instead she alternates her view from in front of her to me. "Seriously?! You, who notices every little detail of everything, are asking me that? You really don't know?"

I just look at her confused. What is she talking about?

She chuckles softly. "Looks like we have something to talk about once we finally get some time off..."

"I still don't understand what you're talking about." I remark.

"That will only make the conversation more interesting." She replies.

It didn't take long until we all come to a stop, since we've now met up with Commander Erwin. It feels like forever since I saw him last.

"Is anybody injured?" He immediately asks.

"Yeah." Levi nods. "Hange took a hit."

Erwin looks at Hange in the cart. "It doesn't look like anything too serious." He looks back at all of us. "You've done excellent work. All of you."

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