⚡️ Chapter Seventeen ⚡️

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After much looking, I make my way back up to where Erwin was waiting and land beside him. "Sir, we haven't had any luck finding them and we've looked all over the place down there."

"Are you certain you've looked in every house near the inner gate?" He asks.

I nod. "Yes and there's no one. They have to be tricking us or something. If they set up a surprise attack against us, then we'll most definitely be caught off guard. They know more about Titans than we do."

"If and when it comes down to that, we'll be ready for them." He assures.

"But, sir! Do you understand how many lives we're putting at stake here?!" I ask. "This has turned into a suicide mission!"

"I'm willing to make that kind of sacrifice." He answers and looks back in front of him. "We must get to Eren's basement."

I just stare at him. This is all just to get into Eren's basement. Hundreds will most likely die just for one singular basement.

I sigh. "Is there anywh-" I stop myself as an image of a certain Titan flashes across my mind. "Oh my gosh..."

I turned toward Erwin to tell him of what I just thought of, but someone shoots off an acoustic shell. I look behind me and see Armin landing on top of the wall. I assume he was the one who fired it. Did we just come up with the same idea?

I run over to him. "You thought of it too, right?"

"By which you mean that Titan in the wall, then yes. I did." He replies, as everyone that's been helping us search, surrounds us.

"Did you find them, Arlert? Where?" The same woman from earlier asks.

"The walls! Check the walls!" Armin immediately answers.

"Huh?" The woman hums. "We've already searched all around them."

"There's no hiding spots anywhere on them." A man adds.

"Then check inside them!" Armin exclaims.

"Inside them?" The woman questions.

I nod. "Yes! Look for any sign of a hole that someone could fit in! I'm sure the spot will be hollow and covered!"

"How do you know something like this exists?" The man asks.

I cower, shrinking beside Armin. "It's...just a hunch..."

"Damn it!" The man curses and grabs me by my shoulders, shaking me a little. "We don't have the time to rely on a hunch! Do you realize what kind of danger we're in?!"

"Cut it out!" Armin takes the man's hands off my shoulders. "Just think about! The enemy always uses their Titan abilities in ways we never could've imagined!"

"If we don't think in the ways of the enemy, we'll never be able to pass them!" I add.

Suddenly, Erwin shoots a red flare into the sky. A red flare means to hold on the mission, meaning Eren will not proceed to seal the inner gate for now.

He brings his arm down. "There are times to be strict and times to be flexible. Uphold the principles of your vows. Do what it takes to win. Follow the chain of command and keep your eyes fixed on the path to victory."

I take a deep breath. "Form two groups! One will go with Armin and the other with me! We'll check both sides of the wall above the inner gate! Let's go!"

"Understood!" All the troops reply, hesitantly. Two groups run to each side and begin searching. I lead the outer side group, while Armin leads the inner side group.

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