⚡️ Chapter Seven ⚡️

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"As soon as I kick this door open, you three roll the barrels down the stairs." Captain Levi orders, looking at Armin, Connie, and Jean.

Then, he looks at Sasha. "Be ready to shoot that arrow at one of the barrels." He backs away from the door, ready to kick it. "Mikasa, you're coming with me to count how many there people we've got to deal with. You other three get the signal flares ready."

Signal flares. That's my job. I need to help bring the cases of signal flares into the room and help Hange and Moblit fire them off.

Levi kicks the door open and Armin, Connie, and Jean immediately roll the barrels down the stairs of the crystallized room. It looks really neat, especially since the entire room is crystallized.

We wait until the barrels have stopped and then charge into the room. Sasha shoots her flaming arrow at one of the barrels, which causes one of the barrels to explode. Now there's smoke everywhere in that area, hopefully blocking the view of our current enemies.

We all start firing off signal flares, while the captain and Mikasa fly off to go count how many people there are to take out. I can hear people complaining about not being able to see, so it looks like this is working out just fine.

"There's thirty-five in total!" Levi suddenly yells. "They're in the upper parts of the pillars! Continue on with the plan! We'll take them all out right here!"

"Spread out!" I hear some woman exclaims. "Let them come to us! We'll take them out!"

With that, Hange, Connie, Jean, and I drop everything we were holding and fly off to help Captain Levi and Mikasa. Armin, Sasha, and Moblit stay behind, because Armin and Moblit are still going to be shooting off flares, while Sasha takes people out with her arrows.

I shoot my hooks into the top of one of the pillars and fly up to the spot and stay there. I scan the area in front of me to see if I can see anyone, but it's like their all hiding in the smoke.

I watch Jean come up behind a man and kill him, then Sasha took out the man close to the one Jean just killed with one of her arrows.

Then, I finally see two people pop up from the smoke near me. I also see Connie pop up right behind them very quickly and he takes the man out with ease and rest on a nearby pillar.

Seeing her comrade die in front of her, the woman gets angry and aims her guns at Connie...this is my chance...

I use my legs to press myself off the pillar and fly towards the woman with my blades drawn back. I reach her and pierce both my blades into her side, splattering some blood on my clothes. I unlatch the blades and she falls to the ground. I have officially killed a human being before I've killed a Titan.

I rest under Connie, panting softly. My heart is racing so fast and beating so hard, I can feel and hear it in my ears. Is this how Armin felt?

"Y/n...thank you." Connie thanks, sounding out of breath.

I look up at him with a nod. "Of cour-" I gag and cover my mouth. I think the fact that I just killed someone and that their blood is on me is now hitting me.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asks, concerned.

I nod, still covering my mouth. I actually don't know if I am. I just want to go shoot flares off with Armin. I don't know if I can do this again.

Is this showing that I'm weak? Although I've finally done the job, is having the feeling of throwing up right after really going to show Captain Levi that I can do any job he asks me to do?

"Maybe you should go sit the rest of this out." Connie suggests. "Captain Levi and Mikasa have taken out most of the people anyway."

I shake my head and finally uncover my mouth. "I'll be okay. I promise."

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