⚡️ Chapter Twenty Two ⚡️

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A/N: I apologize in advance for the amount of time skips in this chapter and how short some are. These two episodes keep switching between Grisha and Eren, but mainly stays on Grisha, so that explains the time skips. I still hope you enjoy the chapter! Also, please read the author's note at the bottom! Thank you!

I jolt awake from my slumber, once Eren starts yelling. Did he have a nightmare? Did he somehow get hurt? Why is he yelling? I wish he hadn't. This is the first time I was actually getting decent sleep in this cold cell.

For our insubordination, Eren, Mikasa, and I have been kept in jail cells for about ten days now, which means we have ten days left. I've only seen Armin and that's because he's been coming here every day to talk with us. I can't wait to see the others again...except for Floch. I don't wanna see him at all.

I sit up, yawn, and try to pat my unruly hair down. "What's going on..?" I climb out of my bed and walk over to the bars. "It's so early..." It's probably like five in the morning.

"Eren, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Mikasa asks, very concerned.

"Yeah..." Eren replies. "I guess I did..."

"When you woke up, you asked who you were." Armin informs, standing in front of Eren's cell.

Mikasa sticks her head out of the bars. "And you look like you've been crying."

I can't see Eren at all, since I'm the farthest cell away from him and I can only stick my head out so far to look around.

"Eren..." I start. "What happened in your nightmare?"

"It felt so real..." He replies. Then, it sounds like he sits down. "I feel like I just had the longest dream ever. Hold on a minute...that wasn't a dream. It was real. Somehow, I was re-living my dad's memories. Poor Dina..."

I raise an eyebrow. 'Dina? Who was this Dina to his dad?'


"Anyone who gains the power of one of the Nine, perishes thirteen years later." Eren informs. "He called it the Curse of Ymir. The first Titan, Ymir, who is known as the Founding Titan died thirteen years after she gained the power of a Titan, and since no one can surpass her, we too must die after thirteen years. That's the rule."

There has been so much from Doctor Jaeger's memories that have explained a lot about the Titans, specifically, the Nine. The Nine are all intelligent Titans.

The Attack Titan, the Armored Titan, the Colossal Titan, the Female Titan, the Jaw Titan, the Beast Titan, the Cart Titan, and now the Founding Titan are the ones we know of the Nine right now. There's still one more yet to be discovered by us.

"So...I only have thirteen years left to live." Armin replies. "And you-

"Eight." Eren cuts him off. "I have eight years left. Not even..."

I shake my head, laying on the bed I have. "No! I refuse to believe it."

"Me too." Mikasa remarks. "I don't believe it. It can't be true..."

It goes quiet between the four of us. This is all shocking and horrible news to all of us.

Eren starts back to explaining his dad's memories. "If someone with the power of one of the Nine dies without passing that power on to someone else, then a baby born after their death gains that power. A Subject of Ymir, of course. If that's the case, then us Eldians must somehow be connected by something we can't see. One successor said it's paths. These paths reach far and wide, but are all connected to the same source..."

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