⚡️ Chapter Six ⚡️

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"There you have it. The coup was successful." Hange informs handing Captain Levi a paper. All of us are very quick to run over and gather around him to read the paper. "Premier Zachary now has full control of the capital and government. For the time, at least, the nobles seem to be staying in place."

Thankfully, the two people that were coming toward us turned out to be Hange and Moblit. They returned from Stohess, giving us this good, no, great news. Commander Erwin is safe! He's not going to be hung and neither are any of the other Scouts.

I glance up at them. "That's great and all, but-"

"-but what about the incident with Mr. Reeves?" Armin finishes.

They smirk slightly. "We got a public confession from one of the MPs. Reeves' son, Flegel, really helped pull us through. It's all written right there. The abuse of power, the bogus charges against the Scouts, and that King Fritz was both a puppet and a fraud. It's clear that we only acted in self defense. In short..."

I look at them quickly. "Yes?"

They put their hands on their waist. "We're no longer criminals."

All of us crowded around the captain look at one another. Then, smiles come across each of our faces, well, not Mikasa's, but I'm sure she's a little happy. She's more concerned about Eren right now.

Almost in unison, we let out shouts and laughs of pure joy and excitement and jump around happily. We aren't criminals anymore! What a relief!

I immediately grab Connie by his shoulders, since he was standing beside me. "We're no longer criminals!"

In response, he grabs my shoulders. "We're not going to be hunted down anymore!"

We jump around in a circle, hollering like two loud monkeys. We're excited. Can you really blame us for being so happy about this?

I sigh happily, putting a pause to my jumping and hollering. "I feel so relieved."

He nods, stopping as well. "So do I. I'm sure everyone feels that way. Why else do you think we're celebrating right now?"

"We could be celebrating just because we're alive right now." I reply. "Especially me. I mean, I've been in so many situations where I should be dead already, but I'm not. Instead, I'm here with you and everyone else."

He visibly stiffens a little and mumbles something under his breath. Then, he shakes his head, looking at me. "You must have some guardian angel that's doing their job really well. Yeah..." He nods to himself. "That's it. Your guardian angel is awesome at their job."

I laugh softly. "Sure. We'll go with that."

I look up at the starry sky. Do I really have a guardian angel looking over me and keeping me alive even in all the situations where I should be dead? If so, I wonder what they look like...

Connie grabs me by my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You should go to Armin. He's over there by himself.

I nod and run over to Armin, pulling him into a hug. A very tight one.

"I feel like something extremely heavy has been lifted off of me." He informs, hugging me back.

"I do too." I reply, pulling back slightly. "It's just..."

"It'd be better if Eren and Historia were with us?" He finishes.

I nod. "Of course. I wish they were safe with us instead of wherever they-"

"Oh!" Hange suddenly exclaims. "I'm glad you two brought them up! I think I know where Eren and Historia are being kept." They hold up a book. "So, we need to head that way to end this fight and get them back."

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