Chapter 3

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It's been days of preparations the headquarter is hectic, people busy with everything, the maids, the guards, even the leaders of white lotus is busy and the day of my Presented Ceremony is here. Days before I had to went through air nomad traditional rituals, such as meditation and tattoo ceremony. The acolytes and the monks once explained that tattoo is symbol of protections and it's different on every occasions, like this one I had in my hands and legs was light orange colour to indicated that I'm a male Omega. It's so early in the morning I couldn't sleep the whole night still so anxious, scared and wondering why I have to go through this. Even though last night my friends had cheered me up, we danced and sang. I really had so much fun for a moment I just forgot about everything, but now it's come back to me again.

My body feels so heavy and don't want to do the ceremony but my mind telling me 'its better just to get up then get over with it'. So, I marched to large bathroom where I find a lot of maids been waiting for me, I feel like a little prince with maids in each hand and feet scrubbing the dead skin off, mask in my face so I can look beautiful. For a moment I forget about today, but then the maids muttering something under their breath about all the guests that had come to meet me. I feel my stomach twisted and anxiety wash all over me again, and as if my head maid could read my mind. She gently grip my hand and with sweet assuring smiles she nods, then once they done Li Hua ordered me to strip off my silk robe and get into the huge tub that filled with bubbles. And as I striped off Zuko enter the bathroom with big bowl of lycheenuts, I was so surprised I immediately cover the parts he shouldn't see and he averted his gaze but I could see he smiled slightly blush that made me blush a bit too. Although it's not first time he saw my bare chest but this is definitely first time I show my whole naked parts.

"Oh, I'm sorry" as he said that I immediately enter the tub, making sure some of my parts that shouldn't be showing were cover with bubbles.

"You were forgiven" brushing it off, although I still slightly do mind.

"Thank you, then how is your morning?. Is it good?" he smiles, but somehow it's agitating me.

"Good for you it seems" I snarled.

"What happen?, you couldn't sleep?" he slowly get down to my level as he putting the bowl on small table next to the tub.

"Yes....." fidgeting under the water.

"You still feel anxious?" he titling my head to face him.

"Yes....." I couldn't help to clearly show it.

"But last night I could see you enjoying the moments, I thought you were over it by now"

"I thought that too, but once I closed my eyes it's lingered over my head"

"Alright, I understand" in a beat of silent he cupping my cheeks and stares deep into my soul, it's so firm and somehow assuring "Listen, Aang. I'm not going to get tired to tell you this, in fact I'm going to remind you every time you forgot. We don't care what you are, we will always love you even you were platypus bear" his words ticked something in my hearts, it's making me calm. Lean my head into his hands, his touch surprisingly cold for a firebender.

When Zuko left I feel slightly calmed then one by one my friends came by to show me their supports and love, Zuko had told them about my light tantrum before and tell me that nothing will changes no matter what am I. Then when the maids done preparing me, one of the guard asked me to follow him to the massive meeting room. There I meet all the leaders and members of the White Lotus also my friends, Advisor Iroh as the Head Leader of the White Lotus, King Bumi and Master Pakku as one of the leaders. They all seated around the large table of all nations map,

"Please be seated, avatar Aang" Advisor Iroh gestured the empty seat between Zuko and Toph, once I seated he continues "Today is your day avatar Aang, and actually you won't be here if you weren't the last Air bender, if the Air Nomad still exist it would be their responsibility to your being. So, as head leader of White Lotus I held the responsibility to protect and assure that you won't be the last air nomad" Advisor Iroh stated then continues "And the reason why we held this grand presented ceremony for you as an Omega, so you can choose a right suitor from a long line of Alpha family" I nodded but somehow his words doesn't reach my mind, I blanked for a moment tune out most of the conversations and only hear muffled sounds from other people in the room. Then suddenly it hit me what the advisor said about a suitor.

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