Chapter 20

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After a couple days of packing up, Aang ready to go. The others maid and guards had already gone a day before. Left only Yui, Li Hua and Urai to ride with him on Appa. They insisted the avatar to fly with Airship, but he stubbornly declined. And to avoid further arguments they succumb to his request, to fly with Appa. Beside it would be his last time to ride with Appa until he give birth, so yes he sensitive that way. They plan to depart really early in the morning, so they would arrives just in couple days or less.

"I'm sorry. I know I always nagged you about everything" Katara pause, cupping his tiny face "Its because I love you, we all love you" she hug Aang "And you really do need a break" she smiles.

"Listen Aang, don't worry about anything here. We're goanna take care of everything" Sokka assured him

"Yes, Aang. Just enjoy yourself" Toph punched him but he dodge it in time and they all giggled.

"Thank you, guys. I promise, I will send letter once a week" he hugs his friends, one by one. Urai, Li Hua and Yui already waiting on Appa and with swift move of airbend he jump to the bison's back. That made Yui gasped in worry then look at him warningly, but he just awkwardly smiles. They waved and then off, from the distant the monk could see the temple island. It is hard for him to leave but it has to be done in order for his peace of mind, beside with this he's away from people who have questions that will put him in the sticky situations. Yui gave him an idea to stay in Northern Air Temple until he give birth if he wants to, immediately he agreed. In fact the longer he waits the harder it will gets, it eventually going to causing problem for everyone and not to forget the nags from his friends will make him even more crazy. However some times he hopes to be able to face this situation with Zuko, he doesn't mind if he don't want to marry him. Just be next to him and hold his hand when he scares, or at least just the words of encouragement. He won't ask for more, he don't want to be greedy. But one thing for sure that he will love this baby with all his heart, just imagining their future already make him happy even though the firebender won't be in the picture with them. He prayed that the baby will born beautiful, kind and sweet like Zuko. At least he have the mini version Zuko, the picture of them running around the temple is his only saviour.

It's two hours before midday when they arrive. Urai the one who ridding Appa while Aang, Li Hua and Yui chilling in the back. He wanted to ride the flying bison but Yui didn't allowed him, for healthy reason of course and it isn't good to sit too long. the journey only took three days without a break, quicker than they expected. The other guards and maids that arrived two days earlier had already settled everything on the temple, made sure its safe and comfortable for the Avatar to stay. Once they're arrived, the maid and the physician immediately busied themselves with the monk's essentials. Then a group of guards neatly lined up march toward the arrivals, they halt a few distant away and only one of the guard come closer.

"Ready for report, Captain Urai" says the guard, while Urai still helping Aang to get down.

"Would you just calm down a moment?!, for the sake's of spirits why all of you so up tight?" Aang snarled when he's on the ground, the hormones really did wonder on him. So sensitive and tired of course.

"Apologized, my avatar" the guard bow and it made him more irritated.

"Ugh!!, stop with the bow already!!" with that Li Hua lead him by the shoulder away from the guard before the monk blast them with his airbend.

"Alright, come with me. You must be tired, let's get you to bath and then a nap" he's indeed tired and really need a bath. Then once the infuriating monk far from earshot the guard continued his reports to Urai.

"The south, north and east wings is clear captain but on the west we found a spy that Advisor Iroh had us warned about" the guard named Kuno first lieutenant to Urai and a waterbender reported.

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