Chapter 43

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Captain Roa so frustrated, sat in the Kamana's office at the White Lotus Headquarter. Since earlier his chief been giving him an earful of words, he's so annoyed but not to the chief but to one particular slimy princess. He wouldn't be in this positions if that little leach didn't escaped from prison, even though it's not the first time they apprehended her but still. He solemnly swear, he will make sure Azula won't see the day light ever again.

"Obviously it was my lack of judgement, chief. I won't underestimated her again" his tone thick with shamed.

"Don't think that because we apprehended her once before, she wouldn't learned to avoid to get captures. We always remind you that she's slippery little leach, she's cunningly resourceful. Underestimated her would a biggest mistake"

"Yes, chief. I won't tired to make she won't be able to use her legs anymore" as he said it, Advisor Iroh dramatically barge into the room. The people in the room jolted at how dramatic it was, it's surprised them as well.

"Advisor!, pardon me. It's really inappropriate time to summon you, but....." the advisor halting the chief with single hand motion.

"It's fine, chief. Just report please" he said it as he take his usual seat on the head of the table "Go ahead, captain Roa!" ushering the captain to start. Roa eyeing him first, silently setting up his monologs.

"First of all, my apologized advisor but princess Azula got slipped through our fingers" the advisor hummed as he stroking his beard, closely watching the captain.

"Alright, please continue"

"For these last few weeks we been on her tail, she always manage to be one step ahead of us until a few day ago we got her. She was hiding in abandon village near western air temple, but unfortunately she beat all of my men. Even I got swept by her, well actually....." in a beat of silence suddenly felling hesitant, he's contemplating about the kiss they shared. It's obviously one of the problems because if she didn't kissed him, he might be abled to fight her but is it really necessary to tell that to his leaders.

"Actually what, captain Roa?" Kamana curious, look at the younger captain expectedly.

"Alright, but please listen to me first. I'm going to explain how I got into that situations" the room nods in understanding and Roa eyeing the leaders one by one before he start "That day, we weren't expecting her to be there. We just want to find some place to rest because a day earlier we lost princess Azula in bison valley, but then she caught us by surprised" he silent again and this time he really contemplating his decisions, but his eyes only looking at Advisor Iroh wishing he would understand every explanations that will come out from his mouth.

"Then what happen?" the advisor pried.

"After she beating all down my men, I went head-to-head with her and I admitted. I underestimated her, advisor" once again he silent, hang his head over his shoulders in shame.

"Did she hurts any of your men?"

"No, advisor. Not that life threatening"

"Did you already send them to medical bay?"

"Yes, as soon as we arrived"

"How about you, did she hurt you?"

"Only my pride are wounded"

"It's fine, you can take a few days off. I will sent captain Naba's for the mission" the young captain snap his head at those orders.

"No, advisor!. It's my missions and I will finish it!" the determination fumes him, of course it's matter of pride if he wasn't able to finish the mission. It would be a humiliation and red marks on his accomplishment, for a man it's such achievement.

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