Chapter 23

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Meanwhile, it's almost noon when Li Hua in arrived Fire Nation and only took a day, she had hid Appa in a cave of her made near a shore. Fortunately for her the map was easy to read, only within minutes she found the passage. Using earthbending to open path to some kind of long corridors, she walked to one of the secret passages into the palace that shows on the map. It's also has instructions how to avoid deathly traps, the advisor build the passage with traps in case some people find out about it. He build it secretly with the help of his fellow leaders of White Lotus, it was King Bumi's ideas to add the traps and not even Zuko know about the passage. The idea came when advisor Iroh were captured by Azula and had held in catacomb in Ba Sing Se, he was amazed by the structural and the beauty of that catacomb. Then after long and confusing journey in the dim lit corridors, she finally found the secret door to Advisor Iroh's study. The door quite large but only has one peephole in it, perfectly hiding in the neatly stacked books. she peeked through it and as she can see that Advisor Iroh sitting on his desk working on something. So, she knocking three time as sign to Advisor Iroh. The knocked got him alert, he look around to find where sound came from then his head snap to his massive ground to ceiling bookshelves. He immediately get up and open the secret door, he was surprised by the presence of Aang's head maid in front of his secret door.

"Li Hua?, what area you doing here?. Come in quickly before somebody see the door" he commanded, the maid immediately obeyed.

"Pardon me, advisor Iroh" she bowed respectly but the Advisor just waved his hand and gesturing her to take a seat.

"I assumed you knew about the secret passage from your husband and you're here instead of him it means there something wrong with our avatar" he says with his usual calm tone.

"If being sad, miserable and pregnant is your definitions of something wrong then, yes" the older firebender almost dropped his cup of tea when he heard the word 'pregnant'.

"Are you really?" he pried, the maid nods as answer "Oh dear spirits, I Knew it. On the last festival, isn't it?" he can't contain his happiness, excitement run through his vain. He wants to jump and screams but it would inappropriate of him "King Bumi and I already had this predictions, we knew this will happen. Only when they are going to bless us with this kind of news is just the matter of time"

"Woah, really?!. I should have know too" she giggles "Well, here I am. A good bearer, but however he had forbade me to tell fire lord Zuko about this. About his pregnancy, but I couldn't just do nothing when he was so sad and I knew he missed fire lord Zuko so much" the maid spilled.

"What?!, why he did that?!" he frown in confusion.

"He don't want to burden the fire lord, that was the words he put on his mouth. And besides fire lord Zuko is about to get married anyway, so he made that as a solid excuse. He thinks that fire lord Zuko became his Alpha partner just because they are friends, I wanted to tell him that fire lord Zuko were in love with him but I couldn't" the maid keep spilling.

"Why didn't you tell him?"

"Because fire lord Zuko threaten his friends, what will happen to me if I tell avatar Aang?"

"You're right, even with me too" the advisor sighs as he recall the talk he had with his nephew, it wasn't a pretty talk. There was a lot of shouting and yelling, but he glad now the young fire lord finally came to his senses and accept the fact that he's in love with the young avatar. Even dared to shouted it out loud with proud.

"And Urai told me about the generals too, what was that all about?. Because of it I have to used the secret passage, as if I'm conspire for something wrong"

"Yes, I had the suspicion. More like King Bumi had the suspicions, at the last festival we were so panicked about Aang. We didn't paid attentions to the surrounding, there was so many people there. Even the general and ministers were there, king Bumi got a glimpsed of their displeased of that situations. He even heard distasteful words about Aang, so to make sure the avatar's safety I ordered Urai to keep an eye for possible spy" as the last word were spoken suddenly he abruptly got up and looking at door as he feels someone is coming "Go hide behind the door" he ushered her in hurries.

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