Chapter 26

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And at the same moment in lemur cove, Aang were treated neither good or bad but still the metal cuffs limiting his movement. And he had to listened to this obnoxious of a general, blabbering about how he so excited about the pregnancy. And no matter how much he show how uninterested he was, Miro keep running his mouth. Looking flatly as the general eagerly elaborating his excitements, as if he has equally excites audiences.

"What a shame he couldn't married you, I was like..." motioning his whole body into anger "When those stupid ministers insisted fire lord Zuko has to stick to royal tradition" his tone full of spites "I was so sure both of you going to get married when I saw how he acted at the last festival, I was already tasted the sweet fruit of my labours. I thought all I need is a little push, made sure he looked away from those stupid tradition but no. Akano had to ran his mouth like he the one who decides everything and got supports from every generals and ministers" he run his hand through his long hair frustratedly and Aang just keep quiet, really not in the mood to responded to him just eyeing the general who franticly pacing around "Those stupid bastards didn't see the bigger picture, the brightness in my ideas!. I could have continues Sozin's masterpiece through your heirs. They would be magnificent!" he staring into space imagining it "And now, again I had to improvise" his face firmly shows the hates "It so tiring, but in order to achieves greatness I'm willing to do it over and over again" the eagerness on his voice is concerning.

"Why do you think that my heir would be powerful enough to start another war?" Aang finally asked as the curiosity slowly creeping out of him, The general smiles proudly as if everybody around him is stupid.

"You see, when you were busy trapped in ice, I was busy finding the secret library that only the gurus know about. And it's not easy to find the gurus who willingly to give up the locations, they rather die and I don't mind to killed them all" he wickedly smirks "To be unknown by the advisor Iroh or anybody else, I had carried my own agenda. It was a hereditary mission from my grandfather who also happen to be fire lord Sozin's trusted general. They had this knowledge about harvesting the power of avatar through breeding and only works from direct descendant of avatar itself. But they need proof, a solid proof that its going to work" Aang look at him a bit creeped out but also bit impressed "I was so lucky when Advisor Iroh at that time still general Iroh choose me as his head of group to search the library and the luck was keep on my sides when I found the scrolls of parchment about the proof I need" the smiles on his face getting obnoxious and Aang want wipe the fire out of him "I give it to my father and that's came the idea to married Ozai with Ursa, then Zuko with you. Well, not you specifically. Killing the avatar never the option, once we learned about the power. We genocide the other elements so the next avatar would be born from the fire nation, we wanted the heir to be born as pure blood. Their power would secure our supremacy for generations to come" the young monk stares in horror "But Ozai had to ruin everything, the perfect planed to win once for all. He thought that mere comets that only comes once every hundred years would made him powerful, luckily you proofed him wrong" Aang rolls his eyes.

"Thank the spirits I defeated him, but now he get me into this mess" he scoffs mocked the general.

"Well...., it's actually fire lord Zuko got you into this mess"

"No, he doesn't!!" he defended, but got obnoxious giggles from him.

"I couldn't wait to see him gone crazy when he knows that you pregnant with his heir"

"Keep dreaming, you soulless bastard!!" the monk spat, eyeing the general in distasteful.

"You know, now that I see you up close. I agree with myself when say this, both of you were really adorable couple. It was like the spirits took extra time to created you, they created you to completed each other. Can you imagine if he really did married you?" the avatar were tense up as he surprised by that statement, he bare it into his mind. They really were adorable couple, if they could be a real couple wouldn't it be amazing as well. Even though it's just wishful thinking, it made him happy.

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