Mermerizing Love (Sersi, aka Mesmer)

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"Oh my... Now look who we have here?" Sersi voiced out, her voice sounding as sensual as ever. Her eyes laid on the red and blue wearing hero of New York, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. "A delightful Christmas present!" She laid her hands over her hips, accentuating them quite a bit. Her eyes stared solely at the hero in front of her. She had quite the history with the arachnid hero. "What brings you to my humble abode, Spider?"

She stayed vigilant, watching just how the arachnid hero took his mask off to reveal his face to her. It always took her breath away, the hero who had helped her and who she had helped. Their relationship was because not only the two of them were members of the Avengers, but because the two had a more intimate relationship.

"Not that you ever need an excuse to enter our home" She added, her black hair waved through the slight wind that entered the room. Her blue eyes stared right at his own hazel eyes. The silent conversation between the two tells more than words between the two. She knew just what he was telling her, as she just smiled and walk towards him.

"I'll confess... I did not expect for you to finish decorating so quickly" She rolled her eyes a bit, quickly taking notice of the sarcasm in his voice. She was perfectly aware of just how Peter worked, and she knew that he knew perfectly well that she could finish decorating in a blink of an eye. "But I can't say I can argue with what you did... Amazing work, Sersi"

"Thank you, my dear..." She huskily said, her arms going straight towards his neck. She even let her smile grow bigger the moment she felt his grasp against her waist. Her eyes never parted ways from his own, an unbreakable conection that only happened when the two of them are alone. "But I have to say, I love learning about your traditions. It has been a wonderful experience"

"And here I thought you and the other Eternals were religious..." Peter snarked, which made her stomp his foot. She then huffed slightly, knowing that her punishment did nothing to the hero in her grasp. But she could not fault him for it either, she had walked into that one all on her own. "To a certain degree, of course"

"We are..." She neared her face to his own, her lips almost touching his. She knew just how to tempt him, a trick she had to learn as she got to know him. Being so close but to be denied at the end, it always managed to get to him. So when she moved her lips from almost touching his own towards his left ear, she knew she had him. "But I have never been one to pass on a good party, Peter"

She chuckled, letting go of his neck to make a single spin with her arms outstreched. She love every single detail she made for the Christmas celebration they were going to do soon, something about a dinner with friends and family members. And she was honestly very excited to be apart of it, it was going to be her first time after all. It was because of that she pleaded to Peter to let her decirate the room for it.

"And... Do you think we need anything else?" She asked, genuinely worried that something may be missing. She wanted to make this as perfect as possible, to not miss anything and embarass herself in front of Peter's family. She had already met his Aunt May, which immediately stole her heart away. His aunt was an amazing woman, someone that she knew was held dear by many people around her.

"Sersi..." She looked at Peter, immediately feeling one of his hands cupping her cheek softly. She moved her head against it, enjoying the gentle touch. He had been always able to calm her down, just as she had been with him. She even had to use her powers to get him to a stable mind so he could explain everything to her. But she felt just how his hand pushed her softly, moving her face towards the Christmas tree "I think you missed something a bit small"

"R-Really?!" She opened her eyes, looking back a bit to examine the decorations over the tree she had place in the middle of their room. She inspected every single detail, and could not find anything at all. She could even see the golden star right on top of the tree. "Peter, there is-"

Her voice disappeared as soon as she watched Peter's current position. She knew of this, she had watched many videos and scenes of this exact pose he was making. Her eyes were crying, while her hands made immediate motions towards her mouth. He was on his knees, a single opened black box in hand with a beautiful golden ring inside of it.

"Sersi, would you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" She couldn't even believe it. She never expected something like this to ever happen in her life. She is an Eternal and he is a human. Their origins were far apart from each other. But her love for him was stronger than any wall that stood in their way. "Do you want to be Sersi Parker?"

"Y-Yes" She fell down to her knees, the surge of emotions make her slightly weak. She extended her hand, which promoted Peter to remove the ring from the box and place the ring in its rightful place. She was marveled by the beauty of it, she couldn't even make words to express just how happy she was.

But a kiss from her now fienceé made it all flood away. She kissed back, showing him that she loved him. That she loved the surprise that he had just gotten for her. She would do anything for him, now even more so that she was going to be Sersi Parker. The two separated from their kiss, her eyes opening to see the gentle smile on Peter's face.

"I love you, Sersi. And I am very happy that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together" She just nodded, her eyes still leaking from her previous outburst of tears. She loved being his lover, but now she adored getting to call herself Sersi Parker. And it was because of it that she would never do something that may hurt him, even if it meant betraying her own race to do so.

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