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don't frown.

It was an early bright morning in Derry,Maine. The last school day to be specific. Derry held a carnival in the town center that day, it was to celebrate summer. Derry was a small town with the population of 32,000. It may sound like a lot but it wasn't. It could have a few beautiful spots but other then those it was absolute dipshit. Tho there was this one place that was something that kept Derry full of love...The Kissing Bridge.

It was filled with carved in initials and shared first kisses, tho I must say

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It was filled with carved in initials and shared first kisses, tho I must say..there was only one carving that shined somehow...it was, different...


"Shit shit shit shit" I say as I continue running to school. i can't be late again, not today. I run into the school swinging the doors open, the halls were empty..oh no. I think to myself. I turn to the hall where my locker is and there I see everyone, what a relief. As I run up to my locker breathless, there I see my best friend walking up to me. His name is Edward Kaspbrak, but we all just call him Eddie. "Hi rich!" He says smiling warmly. "Hi Ed's!" I reply as I open my locker and stuff my backpack in. "Don't call me that you turd." He chuckled a bit. The nickname made me giggle. "So any plans?" I ask closing the locker. "Well Bill said we'll go to the kissing bridge because he has a confession to make and he wants us all there I don't know why" Eddie shrugged. Shit, shit, not there please not there, he'll see it..it will ruin everything we've built. I panicked a bit. "Rich?" Eddie shakes me gently. "huh yeah what who where huh?" I look around sweaty. "Richie you're being weird ...what's wrong." I stare at him for a few seconds while I adjust my glasses. "Wrong? Nothings wrong Ed's I'm just...uhm" I look around thinking of an excuse. "Well?" He says with his arms crossed. "Well...I'm just on a lack of sleep." I smile awkwardly. "Okay then..." He said closing the locker. "I should get going", "But we still have 20 minutes left." I wave my hands in the air. "Yes, we do but I have an exam so I have to get there early. Got it?" He said as he adjusted my collar. "Yeah yeah whatever-" I adjust my glasses. "Good luck" I say as we wave goodbye and go on with our classes.


"Ughhh" I groan quietly. This exam is killing me.., I whisper to myself. I continue writing on the paper until a hand slams on my desk. It was my teacher. "Kaspbrak, the exam is over. Hand the paper." She says with a quiet angry tone, I don't get it..why was she so angry, has she called me before? Have I not listened? "Sorry, Mrs.V "I apologize and hand her the paper. She snatched it aggressively and sat back down at her table packing them all. The bell rang, it was time to have a break. "Class Dismissed!" She waved her hands in the air. All of the kids ran out but me..I was still packing, "Hi Ed's!" , i look up at my best friend running up to me smiling softly. I liked his smile, it made me feel happy because I knew he was also happy. "I see you've warmed up to the nickname huh?" He giggles. "What! No way! Don't call me that Rich!"i denied. He just chuckled and helped me pack. "So how did you do?" He asks as we both start walking out to the school yard. "Well I was doing well until I got distracted-" I was interrupted by Richie putting an arm around me and moving me a bit to the right. "What's wrong?" I ask confused. He looks back down. "Keep your head down" he says, I do as he says until we walk outside. "So? What the fuck was that about." I say waving my hands in the air. "Have you not heard?" He asks. "Heard what?" I look at him more confused then before. "Henry's got a girlfriend. She's a psychopath like him." He says worried. "Can't believe he actually got a girlfriend you know..he was the last person I excepted to get a girlfriend."I say eating some of the grapes I had packed for lunch. Richie just nodded and ate an apple he had. "So about the kissing bridge I-" he starts. "Yes Rich, I know...you've carved in something there and you don't want any of us to see." I interrupt him. He has told us to respect his decision tho I'm deadly curious about who Richie. My best friend, has a crush on..and why exactly can't we know, or maybe just bill , stan and me...the 4 of us knew each other since we were 6-7 years old, I try not to think about it much but it's killing me. "Yeah." He agrees. "It's not that I don't want you guys to know, I really do..but it's for the best." He sighs, frowning. "Chee, please don't frown." I say. I sat up on the table and placed a flower behind his ear. "What is that?" He asks trying to look at it. I giggled as he posed with the flower. Oh no, what is this feeling. It's really warm and good. I've never felt like this before, my heart was pumping and my cheeks were starting to glow red, what if-
The bell rang, break was over.

"Come on Ed's let's go!" Richie says as he grabs Eddie's wrist and they both run to their last class. The school was open for 2 hours only that day. They didn't want kids to be inside a lot for summer. After they both finished their classes they started biking towards the town center, there they will meet up with the losers and go to the kissing bridge together. Richie's nervousness's grew.

"Suh-so." Bill started. "As w-we all know. We are supposed to guh-go to the ki-kuh-kissing bridge.." he stuttered out. "But, this could wuh-work too." We all sat down and started at Bill. "I have a cruh-crush on suh-somebody.." he looked down. We all suddenly smiled, "Bill that's good!" Bev spat out. "Nuh-no! I'm n-not suh-supposed to have a cruh-crush on h-that person." He sighs. Richie understood what he meant. Richie knew. He got up and sat next to Bill petting his back. "It's okay Bill, if you want to tell us we won't judge you but if you'd rather keep it to yourself that's fine too." He smiled softly at Bill. Eddie got up and sat next to Bill's other side. "Yeah." He smiled. "I.." bill said not knowing how to finish the sentence. He tightened his fists and looked at Stanley. They all looked at Stan shocked. Stan not knowing what happened because he was enjoying the clown show behind them, he smiled akwardly. "Stan?!?" Ben asked excitedly. Bill nodded. Stan still not knowing what happened he looked at them all. "What? Did I do something or." He asks. "Quiet the opposite." Mike giggles. "Well tell me goddam it!" He says frowning, jokingly. "Bill likes you" Richie snickered as he saw Bill looking down, burning red. It was the first time Bill had liked somebody, and losers being losers and, different . They didn't care if it was a guy. "What!" Stan looked shocked but, flustered at the same time. "I mean..i kinda like you too, bill." He mumbled, Bev was the only one that possibly heard it. She squeaks. "Awww!!!" She says. "She pushes Stanley next to Bill and snaps a picture of them. She owned a Polaroid camera. "This is so going into my memorial box." She giggled as she sat back down next to Ben. "Now what about everyone else, any other confessions or is it just them." She asks looking at everyone. Mike cough's, attracting Beverly's attention. Mike clears his throat and points at Eddie and Richie having their own conversation giggling and snickering. Bev snaps a picture of them too and waits for it to appear. "Welp!" Mike wipes his hands on his pants. "I have to get going." Mike said picking up his bike. They all waved Mike goodbye and went on with their day.

(1452 words)

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