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The winter break was over, it was the time to go back to school. Tho it was only Mike, Eddie and Richie, since the other's still haven't returned from the vacation's. "truly I'd rather have
Somebody shoot me with a nail gun in the back of my head, then be here." Mike said with a frown. "Only true from you mike." Richie said leaning against his locker. Eddie was putting stuff in his locker while surrounded by Richie and Mike. "Well well well. Who do we have here?" Greta clapped her hands, that caught the boys attention. "Shit," Eddie Said under his breath as he bent down to pick up a pill container that was kicked by Greta before he could reach it. Eddie shot right back up and backed away. "Still taking those pills? I thought I already told you they will make your dick fall off." Richie pulled Eddie back. "Yeah, protect your helpless boyfriend, fucking faggot." Greta said giving Richie a look. "Fuck off." Richie spat out, "Not until everyone knows there are two..." she started. "little.." she said pushing Eddie lightly, "Pathetic." she spat out, making the P louder. "Fag's. In our school." She finished. Richie flinched and pushed Eddie more further away from Greta. The bell rang. Greta looked up and ran to her class. The boys just looked at each other and ran.

After the school finished the 3 just wandered off to the field near the kissing bridge and just listened to the radio..

"Takeee on meeee~" Richie sang to the song leaning onto Eddie. Eddie just giggled. "Guys, look!" Mike said picking up a kitten. He sat down infront of Richie and Eddie and let them pet it. "I'm more of a dog person but this kitten is soft." Richie said staring at the kitten. Eddie smiled, "yeah, me too." He added. Mike placed the kitten down as he heard his Uncle call him. "Shit, i gotta go guys, take care of it for me okay?" He asks standing up picking up his bike and backpack. "Sure thing Mikey!" Richie waved smiling. Eddie picked the kitten up and gave it a small kiss on the head. Richie just...watched. "What do you want one too?" Eddie giggled making Richie instantly snap out. "What, pft no! That's weird." He said laughing akwardly. Eddie just shook his head and searched the kitten, for some bruises or anything. Yeah Eddie didn't like stray cats, or dogs because they might have rabies, but this one was so different, i mean yeah it did scratch him but he felt calm. "Let go!" Richie said trying to pull the kitten off of Eddie's shorts, "Aughhh!" Richie groaned falling on his butt. Eddie giggled. "This is funny to you.." he shot him a look, "pfft- no!" He said looking away giggling. Richie looked at the kitten and it was looking at him, it was almost as if the kitten was making fun of him. Evil.. Richie stop up and cleaned his shorts from the dirt. "He's lucky he's Mike's otherwise he'd be down the river." Richie said sitting down next to Eddie, who was still giggling. Richie shook his head, and adjusted his glasses. "Hm, i thought you got new ones that don't fall off Rich?" Eddie said. "Nah, still the same one's I've had for years." He said pouting his lips. Eddie smiled. "Whatever" he rolled his eyes.

It was time to go home. The two boys built a small house for the cat as of Eddie couldn't take it home, and it didn't like Richie, so they just left it in the home. Richie climbed up to the kissing bridge not noticing the placement at first, he stood up and looked around, oh fuck me. He panicked as he saw his own carving. "Rich! Help me up dipshit!" Eddie waved his hands. Richie started to panick more. "Uhmmm, uhh" he said looking around. "Rich!" Eddie yelled. Richie sighed and helped him up. I'll just ignore if he says anything...can I do that? No. He's my best friend I'm sure he'll understand...i could tell him it's some girl in school, god I'll hate myself for that. Richie thought to himself. Eddie brushed off the dirt and looked at Richie who was panicking. "Rich?" Eddie said placing a hand on his shoulder making Richie jump. "Sorry-i uhm-uh. Let's just go eh?" Richie said lightly pushing Eddie. Eddie looked around, as of he's been at this bridge multiple times, looking at the carvings trying to guess who was it. There his eyes met the carving. "R+E.." he thought to himself. He smiled and continued on.

When I got home i just went straight to my room, my mom wasn't mentally there anyways. I opened up my drawer and took out a notebook that says "Carvings". There I had a lot of mystery, i figured out a lot of carvings, so I'm down for another one. I like doing this, even if it was privacy, it was so fun. "SPRING 1990" i wrote as the headline. "R+E" i wrote as the tittle. I sat there in silence trying to think of everyone that name's starts with an 'R' but I couldn't think of many.. I knew, Richie was a suspect but..i didn't want him to be, i don't know why but the thought of him liking somebody made my stomach hurt. "Okay..then." I sighed as i started writing down names. "Now, 'E' s....." i said pouting my lips. It has been half an hour I couldn't possibly think of anybody. I just layed my head down on the desk and started at the rain through my window. "Man.." i sigh, I sit there pathetically until I hear a knock on my window. I jump a bit and look out, Richie. I open the window for him and let him in, "sorry Ed's , I didn't know if your mom was awake or not-" he started. "It's okay, but uhm it's kinda out of the blue for you to show up?" I say. "Meh I know but you forgot your backpack, so I uh brought it for you." He said handing me the backpack smiling, "shit, I knew I forgot something." I spit out, "thanks rich. I owe you." I smile placing the backpack down. "No, it's okay. That's what best friends are for, I'll let you sleep now Eddie-bear!" He said smiling, mocking my mom. I roll my eyes and wave him goodbye, "thank you." I whisper as he bikes away.

(1104 words)

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