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a new feeling
(This chapter includes Stenbrough)

It was around 8pm Bill was in his room drawing.

"He's so beautiful" I said to myself without a stutter, as I scribble on the paper. I suddenly hear my name being called. I rush downstairs and see my dad at the front door holding the doors open for Stanley. I smiled and let him in to my room. "Hi." I said softly as I close the door behind him. "Hey" he says looking at me, his gaze softened, "wuh-what brings you huh-here?" I ask sitting back at my chair. "Can't I visit my boyfriend on a rainy day?" He giggles, I really liked him I wouldn't care even if I got beaten up for it. Yeah I know people will think I'm a faggot now but the truth is, I ..I don't care. "Stan yuh-you know you Kuh-can." I say "
sitting next to him on the bed. He looks at me and smiles. "So what have you been up to little artist." He chuckles, "duh-don't look please it's a sh-suh-surprise." I spit out, "alright I'll respect it, could I atleast know who is it for?" He asks playing with my hair, I'm really tired of speaking, I nod and point to him , "Ah! That's really sweet of you Bill." he smiles again.

It was no secret that I liked Stan, he was very sweet and generous. I just hope maybe...we end up getting married, but that's a secret I'll never tell him until I propose.

"so, what now eh?" I ask as I look down at his hands, wich here covered in a few scratches. I gently brush my thumb against them making Stanley flinch. "Sorry.." i say softening my voice. He lets out a kind smile, "it's okay, I uh- I scratched myself pretty bad at the church today. I was helping them clean because you know it gets busy during the summer." He says akwardly,

Stan was Jewish, in case you didn't know. It was pretty depressing actually, he couldn't celebrate Christmas with  us, but we always made sure he wasn't alone. By that we would always spend the Christmas Day outside playing in the snow.

"Why duh-do you have to go there any-wuh-ways.?" I ask as I grab a couple of bandages from my bedside's table drawers. "Tch, Well you know how my parents are, they're extremely Jewish and pretty questionable if you ask me." Stan rolled his eyes. "Yeah" I reply applying a bandage to his hands. "What...what about you?" He asks. "You know....truh-trying not to stuh-stutter a lot." I giggle, he smiles again and looks at his hand as I place the bandages back. "Thanks, Bill." He says petting my knee. "Hey Stan?" I ask quite nervously, "mhm?" He hums, "Duh-Do you th-think Duh-Derry will get buh-better..." I spat out, "well I don't know, it might, it might not. You never know! This town is just a shit hole filled with crazy things, a kid goes missing, nobody cares, the next thing you know, you and your friends are fighting a child eating clown. I mean I won't be surprised if Mike shows up the next day saying Aliens abducted his cows!" he jerks his arms in the air. I silently nod as he continues. "Not to mention Henry and his Goons ugh! They disgust me, and honestly I thought I was the queer one here." That comment made me giggle a bit, "to cut it short, Richie somehow found out something about Henry, don't wanna spoil but it's really really bad. It could ruin his reputation!" He says. "Wuh-whatever could it be!" I say sarcastically.

As time flew by it was time for Stanley to go home, he said his goodbyes to Bill and went back home, he didn't like the rain that was really sudden, but he had fun with Bill so it didn't bother him much.

(scene transitions to Richie who's talking to Eddie on his phone.)

"All I'm saying is that I know! Why are you so nosy now Ed's!" He snorts. "I'm not nosy I'm just being reasonable, you told me WHAT happened but you didn't tell me HOW you know what happened or WHEN it happened" Eddie said over the phone. "It happened a week ago, I may saw some of it." Richie says softening his voice. "WHAT..that's seriously disgusting Rich, you shouldn't be peaking into other peoples windows." Eddie spits out. "I wasn't peaking! They were doing it in Henry's room, ON. THE .FIRST.FLOOR. I was just passing by, and I guess they forgot to close the blinds." He says shrugging. "Ew, I'd rather be caught dead then tell anyone I saw those two do that." Eddie sighs. "Well that's a-you Mr.K" Richie said pouting his lips. "Whatever Rich, my moms calling me we have to go get ready, see you soon." Eddie says. "Bye bye" Richie said as he hung up the phone. Soon enough his mom came downstairs with her hair wet. "Hi momma." Richie says, "Hi sweetie who was that?" She asks drying her hair with a towel. "It was Eddie." He as he poured some water in a cup, "Are they both coming tonight or is it just Eddie?" She asks placing the towel on the table, turning to her son. "Mmm, I think both of them? I didn't ask him, he had to go get ready." He shrugged handing his mother some water too. "Thank you," she says as she sips some water. "So, got any plans?" She leans on the table. "Well yeah but, uhm...Momma?" He asks, "yes?", "could we bring Stanley and Bill?" He asks. "Well that's not on me sweetie that's on their parents." She says with a slight frown. "Oh okay, so me and Eddie it is!" He says with a warm smile. "Have you checked the weather?" She says taking the newspaper away from the door carpet, "yup! It's going to get really sunny in an hour, wich gives us just enough time." He says proudly. "Okay sweetie, well you go take a shower and change into something a little less, warm and we can wait for him" he nods and runs up the stairs with excitement.

(1069 words💀)

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