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After about an hour, Eddie woke up. It was a nightmare, he looked down as he felt pressure on his chest. He saw his best friend's black curls, tangled up in his glasses. Richie was sleeping tightly and Eddie knew if he moved he'd feel bad, or even worse wake Richie up. He just stared at the ceiling thinking, that was until he snapped out of it. "Wha-, why are you awake?" Richie asked, as Eddie grabbed his shirt tighter trying to tell him to stay close, Richie just looked up at him still waiting for an answer. "I had a nightmare." Eddie spat out. "What was it about?" He asked. "Well, first me and you were at this modern looking erm.....water park? I dunno it was closed, then when we escaped somebody we went into a plane to go back home. It was small and you were the one driving it-" he was cut off by Richie rumbling in his sleepy voice, "flying. You can't drive a plane Ed's." he chuckled under his breath. "Yeah- yeah. So anyways, when we got there it was some weird island and, you uhm..." Eddie said in a shaky voice staring to panic. "You got stabbed like fully through your chest, and and y-your head was.." Eddie said taking a puff out of his inhaler. "Your head was smashed.." Eddie finished. To that information Richie just stared at him kinda scared. "Please say something." Eddie said quietly. "Wild." Richie said laying his head back down on Eddie's chest. Eddie pulled Richie up a bit and hugged him tightly. "It looked so real, I'm., im sorry." Eddie sighed, "And I'm the one with attachment issues." Richie giggled. Eddie rolled his eyes and let go. "Beep Beep Richie." Eddie said laying back down. "Whatever" Richie smiled. As the two boys were discussing something Richie's parents came back home. Making Richie jump immediately, falling off the bed. "Oh hi, momma, hi dad!" Richie said looking over the couch. Eddie peaked too, pushing himself up with his toes. "Hi, hunny. Hi Eddie!" Maggie said. Went seemed kinda annoyed but he smiled and said hi too. "What's up with him?" Richie asked, curiosity taking over him. "Nothing to worry about alright? Would you please go to your room Sweet's?" Maggie asked Caressing Richie's cheek, quickly letting go and running to Went. "Come on, Ed's!" Richie said smiling. Eddie stood up and took the blanket quickly following Richie up the stairs. When Eddie walked in Richie closed the door behind him, and opened the window. He sat on the window and took out a pen. "What are you going to do with that?" Eddie asked. "Well I wanted to make something you have to keep forever!" Richie said.

and forever Eddie kept it.

"Alrighty!" Eddie nodded standing next to Richie watching him draw a bunch of stars in a bigger one. "Look away!" Richie Said. Eddie flinched and looked away, Richie wrote something down and folded it. "Now look me in my eyes okay.." Richie started holding the paper in Eddie's hand. "Promise me to not open it until you're older. Okay?" He said. "I promise." Eddie smiled, Richie's gaze softened as he smiled back. "I'll put it in the Teddy bear you gave me when I was a kid." He smiled. "Not going to lie, I thought you would get rid of it when you get older, so that kinda made me sad that day." Richie chuckled, that made Eddie remember....

"Hi!" A little boy said. "Oh hi!" The other one said. "So you know how we've been friend's for like a few years now right!" He said. "What's your point Rich?" Eddie said. "Well, I got you a surprise!" He said jumping excitedly. "Oooooo" Eddie pouted. Richie handed him a Teddy bear that had a note attached to it. The note said "To Eddie-bear" Eddie looked up at Richie as he winked. The two boys giggled and laughed, until Richie came back from the bathroom during a break. "What's wrong?" Eddie asks. "Nothing...." Richie said looking down. Eddie hugged Richie tightly, making Richie giggle again. "You're my best friend Ed's!" Richie said. "You are mine to, forever!" Eddie finished.Richie smiled , and Eddie smiled back.

"Yeah, I remember that day." Eddie chuckled under his breath. "Yeahh" Richie said brushing his hands against his pants. "Well don't worry, I won't get rid of it! I won't let anybody get it." Eddie smiled sitting down on Richie's bed. Richie smiled and yawned. "Maybe we should sleep-" Richie started. "It's gettin' pretty late init." Richie said in a awful British accent that somehow always made Eddie, giggle or smile. "Idiot." Eddie giggled under his breath. Richie layed down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. "Talk to me, Rich." Eddie sighed. "What?" Richie shot him a confused look. "Something's bothering you, I can tell." Eddie said laying down beside's Richie. "I dunno, it's just..I hate it here." He confessed. "Why's that?" Eddie asked. "People, here are shit! I mean come on, a butt ton of kid's went missing that summer, and nobody gave a flying fuck besides us!" Richie threw his arms in the air. "Not to mention almost everyone forgot my birthday.." Richie mumbled. "What?" Eddie asked, "Don't sorry your head off, it's nothing." He said softly. "I just, Derry sucks. When I grow up I want to move away and live a happy life. Maybe not have any kid's, I don't like em' but a dog sounds nice!" Richie admitted. "True," Eddie started. "I agree with you, dog's are really good company." He giggled. Richie just looked at Eddie and smiled making a noise. Uh oh....the, the feeling. It was back. Richie knew what it was, but he didn't know why was it so strong, he thought about getting in a relationship with a girl to try and distract his mind from Eddie but failed, as most girl's in Derry think's he's queer. They're not very wrong... "Richiee?" Eddie said towering over Richie shaking him. "Huh, oh-wha!" Richie snapped out of it. "Oh hi! I'm kinda tired." Eddie said sitting back besides him. "Okay, you can take my bed. I'll take the sleeping bag!" Richie said, Eddie wanted Richie close to him but he knew it was wrong. Or was it. Richie came in the room in his pj's and placed the bag on the floor taking a pillow from the closet. Eddie was already tucked in, and was waiting for Richie to turn the light's out. Richie placed the pillow down and turned off the lights, making the moonlight their only light. "Good night, Rich." Eddie smiled over the bed. Richie looked at him and smiled. "Good night, Ed's."

(1129 words)

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