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body temperature
(This chapter contains pedophilia and alcohol)
It was morning, Eddie has awaken. "Mmm" he mumbles rubbing his eyes, he sits up realizing Richie had left, his mother must be Home. He gets up and goes downstairs to find his mother watching the TV. "Good morning Eddie-Bear" she spits out. Gosh he hated it when she called him that, everytime she gets drunk she hits him and makes him feel useless, but then when it's over she's acting like the victim. "Don't call me that." He spits out, "Do not! Speak to your mother that way you twink!" She said angrily. Eddie's pupils shrunk at the name. He was insecure about it, a lot of people had told him that some parts of his body were slightly feminine, and he hated it. For the rest of the morning he avoided talking to his mother and ate his breakfast. "I'm going out." He says already half way out of the doors, "not like you care." he whisperes. "What was that?" She asks knowing what he said. "Nothing, mommy, I love you bye." He shuts the door. Picking up his bike and going over to the Quarry, the losers were going to talk about their issues there and Eddie really needed that at the moment. When he arrived they were all there waiting for him, he walked over and sat down in between stan and bev. "So wh-who's guh-going to go f-first?" Bill says. No respond. Suddenly Bev breaks this pathetic silence and speaks up "I'll go." She says as she held Ben's hand tight. "About a year ago, my dad made us move to this smaller Appartement, less crowded I guess. He was okay at first, until his girlfriend left him.." she sighs. "He would take his anger out on me and sometimes...touch me, I didn't like it."she shrugged a bit, "but what could i do? Call the police! Like in hell they'd show up, they don't believe anything."she threw her arms in the air. They all nodded and agreed. "So as I was saying, I thought that maybe he'd stop after a month or so but it just got worse he wanted me to strip down for him I-" she stops, holding back tears. "I just wanted to have a normal life." She finishes in a shaky voice. She hugs Ben and cries softly onto his shoulder.They all knew Bev didn't like attention a lot so they just let her. "well, I dunno if it makes ya feel better but he got arrested yesterday." Richie spat out, Bev looked at him confused, "wh-what?" She asks wiping away her tears. "Yeah I uh, I maybe told my dad what an asshole he is and he arrested him." Richie says laying down fidgeting with his fingers. Bev had an expression on her face, it wasn't sad, but it wasn't happy either. She felt...relieved? "so anyways who's next!" Stanley said. "Can I go?" Eddie mumbled. To that Richie quickly sat up and looked at him. "Sure" Stanley said. "So, this morning, early, I heard my mom come back, she was drunk again. I don't know where she had been but she's been gone for a day and a half. But I-" he stops. he can't tell them Richie was with him can he?. "Ed's?" Bev says. "Sorry i zoned out, I was just in bed so I didn't think much of it. But a few hours later I woke up again. This time I went downstairs to you know, eat and wake up a bit. So as I was eating she uhm.." he gulps. "She called me a twink." He says. Everyone looks at him a bit shocked, "and I'm extremely insecure about it." He finishes. "So you'r mothers a bitch in conclusion." Richie spits out. "Richie!" Bev slaps his knees. "Ow!" He yelps. Eddie giggled a bit. "It's okay Bev," he says. After they all let everything out they decide to go for a swim. "Aw are you scared it's cold!" Richie teased Eddie. Eddie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Maybe." He says. Richie placed an arm around him "don't ya sweat it Ed's!" He said. "Our body temperature will heat up the water!" He says, Eddie knew that won't help but he just went with it. "Hey guh-guys." Bill says as he caughts everyone's attention. "I'm really glad that we're just a bunch of Losers." He said, they were all quiet shocked at Bill's speech. He didn't stutter once, "me too." Richie added. "It makes me feel less lonely" Mike agreed. They all giggled and started playing around. "Hey Stan! Bill! Wanna play chicken fight with us?" Richie shouted. "Sure!" Stan said "coming!" Bill followed after Stan. Eddie got onto Bev, Richie got onto Mike and Bill got onto Stanley, Ben didn't wanna play he was scared of getting drowned. After splashing around for a bit Bill and Eddie fell off, meaning Richie and Mike won. "Hell yeah!" Richie high-fives Mike. The others giggled at their silly handshake. It was no secret they were all close but something nobody knew is that Richie and Mike are VERY close, of course not closer then him and Eddie , Stan or Bill. But close. "Maybe if we get out now we could get some ice cream!" Stan suggested. They all hyped out and threw their clothes on. "H-hurry!" Bill said picking Silver up, they all got on their bikes and started going back. While the Losers were going in front Stan and Bill were in the back. "Stan?" Bill asks keeping his eyes in front. "Yeah?" He replies. "Pruh-promise me something.." he starts, "go on." Stan smiles warmly. "Promise me th-that you wuh-won't leave us, me. Ever." He said in a shaky voice. "Bill.." he says stoping the bike, bill following his moves. The losers saw that they stopped so they got off their bikes f too, gbut yet far enough to not hear them. Stan got closer to Bill grabbing his cheek gently. "Bill." He starts again, caressing his cheeks, Bill places his hand on Stanley's. "promise me stan.." he whispers, "I promise." He smiles warmly. Bill smiled back, he wanted to kiss stan he really did. But they were in public he couldn't even if there wasn't anybody possibly around. Stanley kissed his head and they both started going again catching up with the losers.

(1085 words)

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