Lunch And...Wizards?

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As the demigods were eating, a sudden bright flash came and out came a bunch of people.

There were one black haired boy with round glasses and a scar on his head, a bushy brown haired girl, five red heads, two blonde haired kids, and a black haired boy and grey eyes.

The demigods stood up and grabbed there weapons as the others grabbed....sticks?

They were about to attack when suddenly, Summer shouted, "Harry!"

She launched herself at the boy with the scar on his head. The boy was caught off guard causing him to stumble a little before he caught himself and hugged her just as tight.

Leo felt jealousy boil inside of him.

The demigods looked a little confused as Summer didn't like to touch people unless it was Nico, Hazel or Leo.

"Summer," Nico said, causing Summer to release the boy and look at Nico. "Would you mind telling me who the Hades this is?"

"Oh! Yes these are my friends!" She exclaimed happily, "Harry Potter," she said pointing to scar head, "Hermione Granger," She told them pointing at the bushy haired girl, "Ginny Weasley," the red haired girl smiled at them, "Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley and Bill Weasley," She pointed to the three older red heads, "George Weasley," the tall red head waved slightly "And Ron Weasley," pointing at the last red head boy, "This is Luna Lovegood," pointing to the blonde that had a dreamy look on her face, "And this is Draco Malfoy," the blonde boy smiled slightly, "And this is my cousin," Summer told them, "Rigel Atlas Black."

"Summer Ophelia Black." the grey eyed boy said with a smirk. "Happy to see me?"

"No." Summer growled. "Put your wands away."


"Summer," Nico started. "Would you tell me how you know them?"

"You remember that school I went to when I was eleven?" Summer asked.

"Yeah the one in Scotland." Nico said.

"Well it's not a normal school," Summer told her brother. "It's a school for---"

But before Summer could finish, a note appeared, which said,

Dear Demigods, Gods and Wizards,

We have decided to send some Witch's and Wizard's. Summer will know them. So you guys will also be reading about there lives. We have sent seven books for you to read about them. Once you finish reading The Lightning Thief, you can start the first book on the Wizards. Good luck and have fun.

The Fates

"What is happening?" Percy asked, confused.

"We're witches and wizard's." Summer said pointing to her and the others.

"Wait," Clarisse said. "You are too?"

"Yes." Summer told the brown haired girl.

"So your a---" Annabeth started.

"Demiwitch." Summer finished nodding.

Before anyone could say anything Summer said, "Lets go back to reading."

The others stared at were she stood before they all ran after her.

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