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"What?" George asked.

Once I got over the fact my Latin teacher was a horse, we had a nice tour, though I was careful not to walk behind him or Summer.

"Why didn't you want to walk behind Summer?" Ginny asked.

"Because she kicked." Percy replied.

I'd done pooper-scooper patrol in the Macey's Thanksgiving Day Parade a few times, and, I'm sorry, I did not trust Chiron's back end the way I trusted his front and Summer kicked so I didn't want to walk to close to her.

We passed the volleyball pit. Several of the campers nudged each other. One pointed to the Minotaur horn I was carrying. Another said, "That's him."

Most of the campers were older then me. Their satyr friends were bigger then Grover, all of them trotting around in orange CAMP HALF-BLOOD shirts, with nothing else to cover their bare shaggy hindquarters.

I wasn't normally shy, but the way they were staring at me made me uncomfortable. I felt like they were expecting me to do a flip or something.

"Can you do a flip?" George asked.

Percy shook his head. "Summer can though."

"Show us!" Apollo exclaimed.

Summer sighed, giving Percy and evil stare before turning an doing a back flip. Everyone clapped as she sat back down.

I looked back at the farm house. It was a lot bigger then I'd realized--four stories tall, sky blue with white trim, like an upscale seaside resort. I was checking out the brass eagle weather-vane on top when something caught my eye, a shadow in the uppermost window of the attic gable. Something had moved the curtain, just for a second, and I got the distinct impression I was being watched.

"I hated that thing." Percy said.

Annabeth, Thalia and Summer nodded in agreement.

"What's up there?" I asked Chiron.

He looked where I was pointing, and his smile faded. "Just the attic."

"Liar." I heard Summer mumble.

"Somebody lives there?"

"No," he said with finality. "Not a single living thing."

I got the feeling he was being truthful. But I was also sure something had moved the curtain. But I also figured by Summer's expression I didn't want to know what was up there.

"Come along, Percy," Chiron said, his lighthearted tone now a little forced. "Lots to see."

We walked through the strawberry fields, where campers were picking bushels of berries while a satyr played a tune on a reed pipe.

Chiron told me the camp grew a nice crop for export to New York restaurants and Mount Olympus. "It pays out expanses," he explained. "And the strawberries take almost no effort."

He said Mr D had this effect on fruit-bearing plants: they just went crazy when he was around. It worked best with wine grapes, but Mr D was restricted from growing those, so they grew strawberries instead.

Mr D huffed as he flipped another page of the magazine he had.

I watched the satyr playing his pipe. His music was causing lines of bugs to leave the strawberry patch in every direction, like refugees fleeing fire. I wondered if Grover could work that kind of magic.

"He can't." Summer Black said. "He's tried. He couldn't do it. So he stopped trying."

I looked over at her. How did she know what I was thinking about?

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