Little Argument

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It was silent for nearly ten minutes, before Leo spoke up.

"So where you ever gonna tell us?" He asked.

Summer glanced up at him, scooting out of his grip. "Tell you guys what?"

Leo rolled his eyes. "Tell is that you had three different names! That you're three different people, Summer! Lyra, Aliya, whoever the hell you are!"

Summer flinched, sinking into the couch slightly.

"Back off, Valdez." Nico said.

"Did she even tell you?" He asked. "Did she tell anyone besides Percy?"

Everyone looked at each other, none of them knowing. Leo shook his head, glaring at the black haired girl.

"You only told Jackson?" He asked. "You didn't even tell your own brother?"

"I couldn't....." she whispered, not being able to get anything else out.

"Couldn't or wouldn't?" Rigel asked.

"I-I-I...." Summer stuttered.

She broke off, shoving her face into her hands. She wasn't crying, but she was overwhelmed. Whenever she was overwhelmed, she would shut down completely. Sighing, which sounded more like a snarl, Nico sat next to Summer, hugging her, whispering to her in Italian.

"Now look what you've done." He growled.

"No-Summer-I didn't-" Leo stuttered, not meaning to have freaked out on the girl.

"Leave it." The small Italian boy snarled. "Cazzo di stronzo."

Leo ran his fingers through his curly hair sighing. Did he come off to harsh? He didn't mean to come off so strongly. This wouldn't effect them to badly would it? He knew of Summer's PTSD for certain things, and he never once sent her into an episode, and he never wanted to.

"Maybe we should—" Hades started.

"She says to read." Nico interrupted.


"She told me we can just read, she'll be fine." Nico said.

Everyone nodded, though unsure. Hades was handed the book and he flipped it open.

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