Sword Fights

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"Well, that was fun!"

"No, it wasn't." Summer said. "And we have to read nine other books about us? Why? I'm not that interesting."

"There's one thing we can agree on." Rigel said, tossing the book down.

Summer stepped forward, but Leo quickly grabbed her hand. "Didn't you say that you and the other big three kids were going to sword fight?"

Summer nodded, and let Leo drag her away. The whole way to Leo and Nico's room, he listened to Summer mutter angrily under her breath. Once they reached the room, Leo closed the door, and brought Summer to the bed. "Don't let him get to you, all right?"

Summer rolled her eyes. "I haven't."

Leo gave her an amused smile. "Right. You're just angrily muttering for fun."

"Maybe I am." She said back. "Maybe it's just a child of Hades thing. Nico does it too. Ask Will."

Leo snorted a bit. "I'll be sure to do that."

Summer gave a dramatic sigh, leaning into Leo, making him lay down. She shifted so her stomach was on his. He ran a hand through her hair, his hand coming to mess with her grey streak that she kept in a braid.

"Are you ready to sword fight?" He asked quietly.

Summer sighed a bit, but nodded. "Yeah. I'm ready to win, is more like it though."

Leo let out a laugh, and Summer smiled at the feeling it sent through her.

Leo knew she had a pretty good chance at winning. She was by far one of the strongest demigods. After was Percy, then Nico, Hazel, Jason and Thalia. The others were strong in elements that Summer wasn't, but she's been fighting for so long, that she, of course, would come out stronger.

The two sat there for a few more minutes, before they sighed and got up. Summer clutched the hilt of her sword, though she wasn't nervous. When you live the life she has, you lose the ability to get nervous.

When they reached the throne room, she gave the smallest smile, seeing it turned into a sword fighting arena.

"I was beginning to think you chickened out." The accented voice of Nico floated to her ears.

(Does anyone else imagine Nico with an Italian accent? And Leo with a Spanish accent? Or is it just me?)

Summer rolled her eyes, throwing her brother a playful glare. "Oh, right. Me, chicken out. That's exactly something I would do."

Nico gave her a playful grin, her being one of the only ones to receive it. She gave him one back, and walked to the center while everyone else took seats on the outside.

"So how do we start this?" Percy asked. "Sibling against sibling?"

Thalia rolled her eyes. "That is so stereotypical, Seaweed Brain. Beside's that doesn't match up, because you don't-"

She cut herself off, a quick silence falling over them. It was shaken off by Jason a few seconds later.

"Look, let's just draw weapons and-"

"That is such a Roman thing to do."

Jason gave Summer a look. "And whoever's we draw, that's who we fight."

Everyone mumbled in agreement, and threw their swords and spear into a pile behind the wall of the arena.

"So who's drawing first."

Thalia stepped forward. "Oldest goes first."

Percy stopped her. "I'm older then you. You're technically still a child."

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