
301 10 2

Day: Saturday 09/11/20××

Location: X!Tale lab

The place Cross was in was a huge room with two sized bed that had black covers, white and black wallpapers, the room also had white curtains and a black nightstand table with it's own black spinning chair.
Cross sighed having to be in his room for something so stupid. He gained some friends and now is told to not? He was told to get one last time he checked! Cross huffed and hugged his pillow as he heard a knock. Then door knob twisted through the door stepping in a figure everyone knows of... X.

Cross: - "what now?" Cross asked annoyed. X looked at Cross unimpressed before sitting down on the spinning chair sighing and saying.

X: - "Cross you are disappointing not just me but the President too by your actions." X said slight anger clear on his voice.

Cross: - "so? I am clean from your crimes, don't get me into one and you are safe from ruining your reputation." Cross said looking at X directly in the eyes.

X: - "stop begin irresponsible Cross. You are going to be in charge of this lab once I'm gone and before so you need to follow my orders for the sake of your own good." He said as Cross rolled his eyes then said that he didn't care wich made X more angry but he had to be calm for now so he got up and left. But, before
  he did so he said: - "you need to think more about others and quit begin selfish. The deal is something you need to worry about way more then you think." He said slamming the door after himself.


The two day break was over and now Cross was back at school now walking to his class he noticed Nightmare for the first time sence he has been here happy and smiling. Cross didn't knew why but he knew he should leave him be.


Yes yes i am splitting this in two sorry and cya!

Experiment Number 509Where stories live. Discover now