Dream's first day at school

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It has been four months ever sence Cross came to the school of alternate high. Not much changed until someone else arrived.


Killer: - "ey Nootmare aren't you going to let Dream join our school? It has been three months sence i found him." Killer asked as Nightmare sighed taking a sip from his coffee and saying

Nightmare: - "I'm not sure about that. He is still scared of them."

Horror: - "come on Nightmare I'm sure it'll be fine." Horror said joining into the convention.

Dream: - "Dream can go..." Dream muttered to no one's expectation of the said person to be there in same room.

Nightmare: - "Dream i told you to go to sleep bit early so you can slowly avoid your habit of not sleeping much."

Dream: - "I'll sleep after you agree on taking me to school with you." He said making Nightmare groan and finally agree.

Dream now wore a light yellow shirt with teal green stripes and dark blue pants with a golden hair clip. Dream happily clapped his hands and gave Nightmare a bear hug saying thank you and rushing to his room after making Killer chukle.

Killer: - "his so energetic and cute." Killer said making Nightmare let out a small growl as a warning for Killer to watch his words making others chukle and Killer to rise his hands as if giving a signal he was sorry. Wich... he wasn't.


After two days Dream had joined the school wich made him feel a little nervous. However Killer was there to cheer him up saying it would be ok and that he will protect him if anything making Dream smile and confidently step in to the building.
At first things were so wierd for Dream. Many people talking, some playing games, many corridors something Dream forgot  that was part of the school... oh how he remembers everyone adoring him and saying he was fun and stuff. That was only if he did there homework or such tough. Dream took a deep breath and ran to Killer who was only few feet away from him and held his hand tight. Dream was worried same things would happen.

Killer: - "hey Dreamy... it's alright, how about we walk to your class together? What class are you in?" Killer suggested as Dream nodded and told Killer the class wich Killer replaied with same and went in the class with Dream.
Once there everyone turned to the two making Dream hide behind Killer earning a chukle and a wisper of it's alright. Killer guided Dream to the desk next to his telling him to sit there wich Dream did. Suddenly there were many whispers making Dream feel anxious...


During lunch Killer made Dream go with him to the table others uaually sat at and Dream with zero sound followed him still holding others hand without realising it, but Killer knew about it blushing a bit but not saying a word.

While chatting and having fun someone approached the table making others look at who it was.
The person wore a light brown sweater with white bode and brown pants with diffrent colored shoes and ink splash on there face.

???: - "hello! You must be new here i haven't seen you in this school or anywhere before! Are you new?" Asked the person making Nightmare growl and rudely making others chukle as Dream replaied.

Dream: - "mhm... i'm Dream." Dream muttered as other smiled before saying there was no need to feel nervous before introducing himself.

???: - "I'm Ink! The school student council. So if there's something you want help with, you can tell me!" Ink said with a bright smile making Dream smile back and nod. Ink exused himself out of the table once he heard his name begin called.


To be continued! I edited selfish part 2 a little on end with a message that is hint as to what will happen. :) stay tuned!

Hope you enjoyed this and thank you for the idea for this chapter for one that requested me this idea anyway see y'all on next chapter and like i said stay tuned! ♡

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