Cute together

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Here's the ski lodge oneshot I said I'd try and get up. It's more of a winter oneshot and less of a Christmas oneshot though mistletoe is mentioned. Hope you like it

The view was stunning if Stiles was being honest, and he wasn't even referring to the gorgeous man next to him. He'd been hesitant to even bother enjoying himself on this trip but he was already here and yeah, the view was stunning.

The ski lift continued it's trek over the snowy landscape, taking Stiles higher and higher above the trees and slopes beneath. His feet dangled heavily below him.

With a sudden lurch, the ski lift halted, forcing his seat to swing back and forth. A low growl emanated from the man next to him.

Stiles noted the way the man's hands were gripping the seat like his life depended on it. He debated saying something witty to ease the man's tension but thought better of it when he saw the scowl on his face.

After a long painfully silent five minutes had passed, Stiles craned his neck to see if there were any people on the lift behind them. Their seat rocked gently with the movement.

"Can you not," the man next to him snapped.

Stiles' brows rose in an amused look. "You realize that these things are safe right?"

The man only glared.

"You know that the fatality rate per year, divided by passenger miles, results in 0.149 fatalities per one hundred million miles of passengers transported by ski lifts. You're more likely to die in an elevator, which has on average six fatalities per year." Stiles offered.

The glaring continued.

"I'm Stiles by the way."

The man was silent for a long moment before finally responding. "Derek."

"Derek. Nice to meet you. Are you here with friends or..." Stiles once again looked behind him, careful not to shift the chair. There was no one directly behind them, but it looked like there was a couple two chairs back. "They seem to be enjoying themselves."

Derek glanced over his shoulder to see the couple wrapped around each other in a heated kiss. "I'm here with friends. They were ahead of us."

"They didn't wait for you?" Stiles scoffed.

"I'm here as a favor for a friend," Derek growled, his eyes looking straight ahead.

"Ah, third wheeling?"

"Erica thinks that a romantic getaway will help Boyd make a move. Boyd is just too shy. I gave him an encouraging speech and sent them ahead of me alone. This is what I get."

"That's really sweet of you, dude," Stiles said sincerely.

Derek shot him a glare.

"I'm serious. You look miserable as fuck so you must really care about your friends to do that for them."

"I don't do heights."

"Ah. Well, hopefully we'll be off here soon. For now, we're perfectly safe unless a tornado comes through."

"It's too cold for a tornado," Derek huffed.

"Then we're safe." Stiles grinned widely.

"Where are your friends or whatever?" Derek decided he wanted to talk about anything but their situation.

Stiles bit down on his lower lip. "I'm alone actually."

Derek's brows raised. "Who goes to a ski lodge alone?"

"Well I was supposed to be here with my boyfriend. Made reservations and got here a day before him because he had to work, but then he never showed. When I called, he said to have fun and we'd talk when I got home."

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