A birthday to remember

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The loud snap of a popping balloon made Derek jump, nearly dropping the plastic cups he was setting out on the table.

"Sorry," Isaac called from the couch covered in orange and blue balloons.

"Why so jumpy?" Erica asked, nudging Derek's arm. She placed a pile of napkins next to his cups.

"'M fine," Derek grumbled dismissively.

Erica gave him a disbelieving frown. "What's got you so uptight? Spill."

Derek glanced around. Lydia was directing Scott where to hang the streamers. Boyd was helping Isaac with balloons, and Allison was in the kitchen setting up the food.

Derek leaned over. "I was thinking of talking to Stiles tonight."

Erica raised a brow. "About what?"

Derek only glared at her. She was the only one who knew about his feelings for Stiles. She'd been the only one smart enough to guess, though he suspected Boyd also knew but had enough respect, not to mention it.

Her brows rose higher. She swung out, smacking Derek's arm. "No way, you're gonna tell him?" Her red lips pulled into a wide grin.

Derek shrugged. "I'm thinking about it." It had been a month since Stiles had returned from college. He'd promised he wouldn't act on his feelings until Stiles had gotten out of this town and met people other than the Beacon Hills lacrosse team.

He'd spent two years joining in on pack Zoom calls with Stiles, listening to him talk about his hot roommate and his handsome professor, and the girl he hooked up with in a storage closet. He endured the shitty boyfriend he brought home for Christmas one year and the too-perfect girlfriend he brought for Thanksgiving the next. Now, Stiles was home, and he was single, and Derek's feelings hadn't changed one bit.

"That'll make it a birthday to remember for sure," Erica said.

A loud clatter pulled their attention to where Scott had fallen off the ladder, yanking down half the streamers he'd just put up.

Lydia sighed as the rest of the pack laughed. At this rate, Stiles would be there before the surprise was even staged.

"When are the guests arriving, Lydia?" Derek asked.

"They should be here in fifteen minutes. I told them all to park in the lot next door so Stiles wouldn't see the cars. He'll be here in thirty minutes."

Derek decided to help Scott hang the streamers while Erica helped finish the balloons.

It only took ten minutes for guests to start showing up. Derek tried to remember all the people's names. He'd been in charge of helping with invites. Caitlyn, Heather, Danielle, Ethan, Aiden, Danny, and Jackson had all arrived so far.

"I haven't seen him since high school." he overheard Heather say.

"I heard he got hot," Caitlyn said.

Derek's jaw clenched. While it was true that Stiles looked incredible now, he had always been attractive.

"He let his hair grow out a little, and he has a jaw of stubble that I'd let him rub between my legs any day," Danny piped in.

"He also put on some muscle. Not a bad look," Ethan added.

Derek clenched his hands and turned away before he said something he regretted.

A handful more people showed up. Other people from lacrosse and high school.

It was now five minutes until Stiles would be arriving. Derek's nerves were heightened. He wasn't sure when he should tell Stiles. He was thinking early, but then he didn't want to overwhelm him early on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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