Separated(part 3)

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The car ride was quiet and tense. Derek's wolf rode with his head on Stiles' lap. It made Derek uncomfortable. He hated how needy of Stiles his wolf was being. If he wasn't careful it would give away the fact that Stiles was Derek's anchor. He hoped it was only because Stiles was a pack mate and his wolf was scared.

When Stiles walked into Deaton's office with Derek and a black wolf in toe, the room paused.

"You found Derek, er his wolf," Scott gestured behind Stiles.

"Yeah, he was under my jeep when we left," Stiles gave the wolf a small scratch on the head.

"He likes to be pet," Lydia rose a brow curiously.

"By Stiles only," Derek grumbled.

"That's curious," Deaton said turning to a book of his.

Scott knelt down towards the wolf.

Derek's wolf backed away slightly, hiding behind Stiles' leg.

"Okay why isn't he growling at Scott," Derek threw his hands up.

"I probably smell like the pack," Scott shrugged.

"I'm literally a part of him and he nearly took my hand off," Derek was still bothered by his wolf's reaction.

"Well you kind of smell like a faery threw up on you, no offense," Isaac piped in then. He gave an innocent shrug.

"Well considering he murdered the faery that explains the animosity," Lydia nodded with a huff.

"He what?" Derek snapped his head towards the redhead.

"I hadn't gotten around to telling him that part yet. I was hoping for some good news first," Stiles bit at his bottom lip.

Derek's shoulders slumped.

"Which we unfortunately don't have," Allison sighed looking longingly at the pile of books on Deaton's desk.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Derek snapped at his wolf, earning a growl.

"No, she could have undone this. Why the hell did you think killing her was a good idea?" Derek continued taking a hostile step towards the wolf.

"Derek," Stiles put a hand up to stop Derek from taking another step.

The wolf snapped his jaws with a vicious snarl.

"Wow he really doesn't like you, does he?" Liam noted with a dumb smile on his face.

Derek shot his a glare, knocking the smirk off his mouth quickly.

"The riddle," Deaton started, not looking away from his book. "I believe you have to give your wolf what it wants in order to put yourself back together."

"How the hell am I supposed to know what it wants?" Derek snapped, he tossed a glare at the wolf who still held his defensive state.

"I believe it's something you've been depriving him of. Can you think what that might be?"

The room looked at Derek expectantly.

Derek gave an annoyed eyeroll before it hit him. The tension in his shoulder rose and his jaw clenched.

"I can't do that," Derek's tone was low and threatening.

"Do what?" Stiles frowned.

Derek's eyes met the human's. The whiskey brown was dulled with exhaustion from lack of sleep. Lack of sleep that Derek's problem had caused.

"It's not up to me. I can't just..." Derek trailed off, turning away from the group. Tears pricked at his eyes. He hated everything about this.

"Derek," Stiles put a hand on Derek's shoulder.

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