E/A Con (Part 3)

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Derek paced the floor of the shared hotel room he and Stiles had booked for the evening. He'd grown tired of watching Stiles flirt with the blonde alpha at the bar. He'd listened in for a bit at first and then when he couldn't take it he tried desperately to block it out but watching Stiles laugh and joke with another alpha drove Derek mad. He'd sent Stiles a text telling him he was going to their room after almost two hours.

Now almost three hours later and Stiles was still down at the bar. Derek was beginning to wonder if Stiles would even bother coming up to their room or if he would go with the new alpha to his. The thought made Derek's wolf bristle beneath the surface. He knew he wasn't ready to see Stiles with another alpha, but this was worse than he imagined.

The sound of a keycard in the door sent relief flooding through Derek.

"Derek, hey. I wasn't sure you'd be up," Stiles glanced at the small digital clock on the table in between the two beds. It was just after midnight.

"I was starting to worry," Derek growled. He didn't mean for his tone to be so harsh.

"Sorry, I got caught up," Stiles gestured over his shoulder towards the door he'd just come through.

"The blonde I'm guessing?" Derek snapped. Once again, his tone was harsher than intended.

"Jace," Stiles nodded with a slightly guilty look.

"That belong to him?" Derek asked glancing to the phone number scribbled on a napkin.

"Uh, yeah. He wants us to get to know each other," Stiles dropped his eyes to the napkin.

"So you've decided then?" Derek crossed his arms to keep from punching the wall. His wolf was going nuts and he didn't want Stiles to know.

"Not necessarily. I barely know him," Stiles shrugged. He felt like he was explaining to his father why he was meeting some guy after curfew.

"But that's the intended purpose of getting to know each other, right?" Derek pressed, his eyes watching Stiles carefully hoping to find some hesitation.

"Yeah," Stiles gave an ashamed nod.

"Good, then we can leave first thing in the morning," Derek turned to his bed then, not wanting to face Stiles any longer.

"I agreed to meet him tomorrow morning," Stiles spoke again causing Derek to pause.

The silence was deafening but Derek feared what he might say next would be rash, so he let the silence linger.

"You're upset," Stiles spoke in a quiet tone. It wasn't posed as a question.

Derek closed his eyes. He didn't know how to respond to that. Stiles wasn't stupid and he knew Derek well enough to know when the alpha was upset or lying.

"You've been a part of my pack for several years, Stiles, I'm not going to like watching you leave," Derek spoke, careful to keep his tone even.

"You think I like this? I'm leaving everyone. Scott, Allison, Boyd, Erica, hell even Isaac," Stiles snapped.

Derek turned with a raised brow. Stiles hadn't voiced this before.

"I'm leaving what is essentially my family. I hate it. I don't want another pack," Stiles gestured wildly as he spoke being sure to emphasize his frustration.

"Then why?" Derek asked though he knew why. It wasn't smart to be an emissary without a pack.

"You know why. We've been over this," Stiles huffed with a roll of his eyes.

Derek clenched his hands in fists as he opened his mouth. He wanted to ask Stiles to stay to be his emissary, but he didn't know how. Stiles and his had a complicated relationship and he was sure Stiles wouldn't want to be bound to Derek.

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