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"You can't be serious," Stiles flailed his arms around as if that might make his friends change their mind.

"It'll be fun," Scott insisted.

"Fun?" Stiles gaped at his best friend. "Scott, everyday of our life is a haunted house and you want to take a tour of one for fun?"

"Oh don't be so dramatic," Lydia rolled her eyes, "It's just a tour of the old Portage house. It's Halloween."

"P-portage house?" Stiles blinked at Lydia before turning his eyes to Scott once again. "As in Savannah Portage? The infamous witch that lived in that house?"

"It's just a myth," Kira shrugged.

"A myth? Werewolves are myth's and yet-" Stiles gestured very heavily to Scott.

"He's got a point," Mason piped up then.

"Oh, don't let him get to you, it'll be fun," Liam nudged Mason.

"What does Derek think of this idea?" Stiles crossed his arms, there was no way the alpha would be okay with it.

"He said he'll go," Cora grinned widely as if proud of being the one to convince Derek to join.

Stiles huffed, "Guess I'm the only sane one here."

"Come on, please come? It won't be the same if you're not there," Scott pleaded.

Stiles opened his mouth to insist that he would not be participating in this insane idea, but Scott's puppy dog eyes made him snap his mouth shut. He let out an unhappy huff.

"Fine, but I'm not gonna be happy about it," He conceded.


Stiles chewed nervously on his bottom lip as they approached the front entrance of the large ominous house.

"You alright?" Derek asked, leaning towards Stiles.

"I don't want to be here," Stiles answered not taking his eyes off the grim exterior.

"I'm no more thrilled than you are, trust me," Derek sighed.

"How'd you get roped into this?" Stiles finally looked at the alpha.

Derek tensed slightly, "Cora is relentless."

Stiles nodded, he understood that. Cora had her own ways of being intimidating, it was not surprise she knew how to manipulate Derek.

"Scott, is this really a good idea?" Stiles asked, hoping his best friend would change his mind.

"I promise it'll be fine," Scott flashed a large grin, but Stiles wasn't convinced.

The man at the entrance offered a wide smile, "Welcome to the Portage house."

Stiles tuned the man out as he talked about the history of the house. Stiles knew the story. Back before he'd been properly dragged into the world of the supernatural, he had been interested in old lore like the Portage house. However, knowing what he knew now, it was less cool, and more traumatizing.

The witch who had lived in the house, Savannah Portage, had been killed brutally by some of her neighbors. They locked her in her own house and tortured her. Supposedly passerby's had heard her screams and pleas but they ignored her out of fear.

When her body had been found, her clothes were torn and bloodied and her body was gashed and bruised. The house had been sold months later and that was when the hauntings began. People would randomly get deep cuts and hand shaped bruises. The house was sold several times throughout the years, but nobody stayed long. Now it sat empty.

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