The Wolf and The Fox

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*Sort of a part 2 to The Fox and The Wolf*

The smell of blood was thick in the air. Derek could hear five heartbeats inside. The alpha had already succeeded in taking out the four men guarding the building. He wanted to go in and finish off the others, but he was under strict orders to wait.

Four heartbeats.

Derek heard the fighting inside but made no move to join in, instead leaning against the old metal siding of the warehouse.

Three heartbeats.

The sound of gunfire was loud in Derek's sensitive ears, but he remained just outside the door.

Two heartbeats.

Pleading could be heard in a thick Russian accent. It made Derek smile.

Then, only one heartbeat could be heard.

Derek heard the final heartbeat grow near. He positioned himself, ready to strike.

The door pushed open and Derek grabbed the man's shirt and slammed him down. The man reacted quickly, however, pulling a blade and pressing it dangerously hard against Derek's throat.

Derek smiled before leaning down and pressing his lips to the other man's. The blade still at his throat.

"You really should be more careful," He whispered into the kiss.

"Says the one with a poisoned dipped blade to his throat," Stiles' voice purred.

Derek lifted off of Stiles, helping him up in the process.

"You get what we needed?" Derek asked, glancing around for any intruders.

"Of course," Stiles held up the USB drive as he sheathed his blade.

Derek pulled Stiles' into him by the lapels of his jacket, bringing them chest to chest.

Stiles was the one to lean in this time. His lips slotting against Derek's easily. The kiss was rough and tasted of copper and salt.

Suddenly Derek pulled away, his eyes glowing red.

Knowing what that meant, Stiles reached for his knife once again.

"So it's true," A voice spoke from the shadows.

"The Wolf and The Fox hunting together."

"Gerard," Stiles sneered. He knew that voice.

"Tell me, how did this happen?" The older man stepped closer and out of the shadows with three men on his heels holding automatic weapons.

Derek let out a low growl warning them not to come any closer. He stepped forward, putting himself between Stiles and the machine guns. He could heal.

Stiles, knowing the bullets weren't your run of the mill bullets, but wolfsbane bullets, pulled Derek back, positioning himself in front of the werewolf instead.

Derek let out another growl, but now was not the time to argue with Stiles.

"What do you want?" Stiles demanded.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me," Gerard held out a hand.

"You want the locations of every werewolf in North America?" Stiles scoffed, holding up the USB drive he'd just confiscated.

"You're the buyer," Derek spoke up then, realization in his tone.

"I am, and you've just murdered my seller, saving me a great deal of money. So as a thank you I'm offering to spare your lives, all I ask is that you hand over the drive," Gerard took another step forward.

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