Nice things

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Derek was nothing if not loyal, always had been. So when Boyd showed up at his door with a favor and a patched up eye, Derek knew he was about to agree to something. He just didn't know it would be so major.

"You want me to go on a romantic getaway with your wife?" Derek blinked at his best friend.

"Look, you and Erica have been friends as long as you and I. I trust you both. This was a really expensive trip and we can't get a refund on such short notice. The doctor said I can't fly with a torn retina due to the gas bubble risks. It could result in permanent damage," Boyd looked at Derek with his one good eye, making the man feel bad for his friend.

"Is Erica okay with this?" Derek asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Yes, I've already talked to her about it. As long as you're okay with it. She can't go alone, it's a couples only retreat. It's how we got the discount. Married couples only for Valentines weekend."

Derek huffed out a sigh, "Fine, but at least let me pay you back for half of the trip, deal?"

"If you're insistent," Boyd shrugged, a large grin on his face at having won. Erica had been right. Boyd would be better at convincing Derek alone.


Derek had managed to get his things packed and ready in the twenty four hour notice he'd been given and now he was standing on a beach with his best friend glued to his arm, gushing about how clear the water was.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to this, Derek. You are literally the best," Erica beamed.

Derek snapped a picture of Erica and sent it to Boyd.

"Hey, what was that for?" Erica frowned, trying to peer at the picture.

"I want him to see how happy you are," Derek smiled.

"You're such a sap," Erica sneered, before turning to the large resort in front of them.

Derek followed his best friend, carrying the bags as she gushed about the drinks made in coconuts.

"Oh Boyd would have loved these."

Derek turned to look and accidentally knocked into another couple.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Derek apologized as he reached an arm out to steady the blonde man with bright blue eyes. Derek glanced to his left to see a darker haired man with whiskey brown eyes.

Derek's eyes quickly pulled away before they could trail down the attractive man, landing back on his significant other.

"No apology necessary," The man smiled, perhaps a bit too fondly. His eyes obviously trailing down then back up Derek.

The brunette cleared his throat slightly, pulling the blonde's attention away from Derek.

"Wow, that was blatant," Erica smirked as she watched the pair walk away.

"He was cute, Erica nudged Derek's side.

"He's with someone," Derek screwed his face up. "Besides, I liked the other one better."

"Ooh, Derek," Erica poked her friend in the ribs making him glare.


Once the pair were settled in, they headed down for lunch at a tiki bar that Erica had spotted on the way in.

"Oh look Derek there's that flirty blonde, come on," Erica grinned wickedly.

"Erica, no, they're obviously together," Derek objected.

"And they're obviously miserable. Come on. Just a little shameless flirting," Erica pulled Derek to the table before he could object any further

"Are these seats taken?" Erica asked, much too enthusiastically.

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