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Derek stopped at the top of his stairs as he spotted the vase of flowers. He knew without looking what the note said. He got the same one every year on this day.

Plucking the card from it's stand, he smiled slightly.

This was the third year that he had received flowers on this day. The anniversary of the Hale fire. It meant a lot to Derek to know that someone was thinking of him and cared enough to reach out on such a difficult day.

The first year it had happened Derek had been shocked and nearly cried. He had hidden the flowers in his room to avoid questions from the pack.

The second year he set them out proudly on the kitchen table. Erica had been the only one to mention them, but Derek only shrugged making her drop the topic.

Both years the card was unsigned. Just the same message.

Just a reminder that you're not alone.

The card remained unsigned this year as well, however, Derek was determined to find out who they were from.

He was sure it wasn't anyone in the pack, as they had never mentioned the tragic event and Derek had never told them the date. They would have no way of knowing.

The alpha set the flowers on the kitchen table like he had the year before and pulled out his phone. There was only one person that he would trust to tell about this and that could help him find out who they were from.


Stiles hurried to swallow the mouth full of curly fries he'd just shoved in his mouth when he saw Derek's name flashing across his screen.

"Hey, Der, what's up?" He asked cheerily.

"Stiles, are you busy?" Derek asked, his tone sounding uncertain.

"Uh, no," Stiles frowned, he didn't like the way his alpha sounded. Of course, he shouldn't have expected any less as he knew what today was, though he would never tell Derek.

"I need a favor."

"Sure, what's up?" Stiles would do anything to help Derek, especially today.

"Could you stop by the loft?"

Stiles stood up and grabbed his keys, "I'm leaving now."

When Stiles arrived at Derek's loft, he wasted no time with knocking. Derek expected the pack to come and go as they pleased, however, the door was locked when Stiles went to open it.

"Derek?" Stiles knocked, his tone full of worry.

A moment later the door opened.

"Sorry, I didn't want anyone interrupting us," Derek apologized.

Stiles' scent must have spiked because Derek immediately reassured him, "Everything's okay, I just want to talk to you about something and I don't really want the rest of the pack to know."

Stiles relaxed slightly, but the frown on his features remained.

"Come on, let me show you," Derek lead Stiles to the kitchen after locking the door back.

Stiles stopped short when he saw the vase of flowers, he'd picked out that morning.

"Here," Derek plucked the card he'd had made and handed to him.

Stiles already knew what it said but he couldn't tell Derek that.

"That's very...ominous," Stiles handed the card back.

"It's unsigned."

Stiles only nodded.

"This is the third year and they're always the same flowers."

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