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After yn begin completely healed from the traumatic incident, she and taehyung both shifted back to their own home. It's been one month since they both shifted back.

YN's life was also going smoothly and now she have become more confident and comfortable around taehyung.

Taehyung is also regularly going to office and is enjoying being with yn and make her blush by his little actions.

Still yet Jimin didn't tell taehyung about his relationship but taehyung seems to be aware of something going on between the two by noticing his soulmate behavior.


It was a normal working day when a man wearing a grey suit, hair nicely done, forehead exposed, sharp gaze, and holding some papers in his hands headed inside the building and made his way straight towards taehyung's office.

Meanwhile jimin and rosé both are sitting outside of taehyung's office at their respective desk while jimin was time to time flirting with rosé unaware of the fact that taehyung has been taking few glances at them through his glass window while doing his work with a small smile.

Taehyung thought

He literally can't control himself.
He really is the Love King.
I m happy for both of them.

Jimin and rosé were doing work when someone's voice make them look upwards and found a man standing in front of them.

Jimin said standing up.

Yes. How may i help you?

The man said.

I m here to meet Kim Taehyung.

Jimin said politely.

Sir, do you have an appointment? You know you can't meet the CEO without any appointment or reason.

The man then said introducing himself.

Well then let me introduce myself. My name is JUNG HOSEOK and i m Min Hajun's lawyer.

Just then taehyung also come outside and heard the man introducing himself

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Just then taehyung also come outside and heard the man introducing himself. Jimin was shocked and before he could say anything taehyung said making both jimin and rosé flinch and making rosé stand up and bow to him.

What did you say. Min Hajun's lawyer?

Hoseok said.

Yes. Jung Hoseok, nice to meet you. Can we have a talk?

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