A Chance (Redeemed!AFO)

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Requested: No one.      Genre: Angst(ish)

A/N sorry if this one is bad, I'll try to get better


Y/n was one of the most trusted person you could ever meet, and the Heroes and police force knew. So they had plans for her with a certain recently redeemed villain. So you see after a very long and devistating battle the heroes had won, All for One and Tomura Shigaraki were put behind bars. Though Toshinori had faith. He had faith that at least one of them could change for the better. After a couple years of therapy, both of them were released but with restrictions. Both of them were given to trusted people to take care and 'babysit' them. Y/n L/n was the person assigned to look after All For One and Tomura was assigned to another household, but we are focused on All For One.


It's been a month since I've been assigned to look after the big super-powerful villain All For One. It's actually been pretty easy so far, he's just been really quiet. But I still don't trust him after all he has done. Honestly if it weren't for the quirk cancelling bracelets I probably be dead, I know he would have killed me and gone back to trying to take over the world or whatever. But today I went out shopping and took more time then usual, hope everything is alright back at my apartment. I hope he hasn't trashed my home or else. As I unlocked the door I saw him waiting there on my couch. Before I could say anything he got up from the couch and grabbed the bags out of my hands.

I just stared at him as he walked to the kitchen with the bags. This is weird, he's never really done anything like this before. I'm very sceptical, is he trying to gain my trust lets see where this goes. After we both put everything away, I went to take a nap in my bedroom but I'll talk to him later.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock. WTF IT'S 8:00, I'VE SLEPT FOR 4 HOURS. I got up quickly and went looking for All For One, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Did he escape while I was taking my long nap, no. What is he going to do, I'll get punished by the Heroes and police. But then I felt a draft of air, wait I never let anything open. I followed it and saw that the door that led to the roof-top was slighty open. I ran to the door and slammed it open and ran up the stairs. Please still be up there, please still be there. As I got to the roof-top, I saw him sitting down by the very edge. If someone were to push him, he would fall and probably die.

I slowly walked to his side and sat at arms reach from him by the edge. I could hear him, he was breathing fast. I slowly turned my head to look at him, and I was suprised. He had a sad expression on his somewhat scarred face. His red eyes were watery as if he was crying. As I examined him more, I noticed that he was actually quite handsome. His fluffy white hair help with his appearence a lot. But I remember that he was really scarred when they detained him, they most have healed him but not fully, seeing that he has a face but is scarred at some parts. He cleared his throat as he started to speak quietly. "Sorry for scaring you, just needed a breath of fresh air." I sighed and scooted closer to him so I could hear him better.

Then he asked me a question I didn't really know how to answer it. "W-why, why don't you trust me?" I didn't respond to him. "I've been in therapy for basically 5 years, why do you treat me like this distancing youself, this doesn't help me at all. This month my mental health has been going down, I thought being assigned to you would help me, because I feel trapped and these bracelets don't help at all. I thought you would help me as people spoke highly about you especially Yagi, but no you're hurting me then healing me. I j-just want to be free and be able to walk on my own. To get a job, find a partner, have a f-family." He started to cry softly. I let the words sink in into my mind.

I finally spoke. "I never trusted you because.....because you are-- I mean were a villain that has done many horrible deeds. I thought you would not change and would betray me if I trusted you." I looked at him but couldn't make eye contact. He had stopped crying, and just listened to me. There was a silence, we both didn't do anything. Until he moved his arm. I turned to look and saw how he places his hand softly over mine. His hand was much larger than mine, so it coverd mine. He held my hand so softly, something you wouldn't expect from someone like him, or who he used to be. Then he spoke. "Could you give me a chance?" I sighed, he really has changed. How didn't I notice? I nodded my head. He smiled softly, but it was a small one, but it atleast something.

"I'll give you a chance, All for One."

"Please, call me Shigaraki. For I am no long that man."

"Alright, Shiggy."

All For One x Female Reader Miniseries/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now