Heart Of Stone (Cursed!Canon!AFO)

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Requested: No one.  Genre: Normal (I think)

Tw: Broken bones, choking, death

A/n: Tried 2nd POV again

Heart Of Stone: a stern or cruel nature


2nd POV

You were an archaeologist that had just recently found these ancient ruins somewhere in Musutafu, Japan. A city that thrived back when quirks existed but after some unforeseen event this city was destroyed and so did quirk which were eradicated. So now in this present time you are in there are no quirks, no superheroes and no supervillains. Just normal people that would have been considered quirk-less back then, at least that's what you think considering that's what you've been studying once you became an archaeologist. You and your team entered the ruins which happened to be in a mountain, so once you got in you all started to light your flashlights and your headlights. You marveled at the inner structure of these ruins, it was beautiful at least in your eyes. Running your fingers over the markings on the walls, it appears as if a battle was fought here years ago.

"Ms. L/n come look at this!" shouted out one of your colleagues and you turned and walked towards them. They pointed at a hole which if you crouched you could fit in it. "Maybe there's something in there," they said as you crouched and waved your flashlight around. Humming your say "There appears to be nothing here, just a hole, but it does look like a bottomless pit. Okay everyone be careful there might be holes in the floor, I don't want to lose anyone so you all better watch your steps." Before you stood up to your full height you looked around and saw something engraved into the far end wall of the hole. You squint your eyes to see if you can see what is engraved and you could barely read 'Keep the demon down there.' You shiver at the thought of what that meant, you decide to not find out and risk your team so you back up. But you end up backing up into someone and fall onto your bottom.

You look up and see your colleague Richard looking at you with an annoyed face. You smiled awkwardly and scratched your jaw, "Sorry Richard didn't see you there." He does respond but puts his hand on your shoulder, you look at him confused since this won't help you get up. He looks back seeing that everyone else is occupied by doing something. He looks back at you and then he just pushes you into the hole. It was so fast that you couldn't register what had happened until you screamed once you noticed that you were falling down into a pitch black hole. Your screams didn't go unheard because everyone turned their head into the direction of the hole and noticed that your hat was laying near it. They all ran to the hold and tried to do something, but were stopped when they heard a sickening crunch sound, which signaled that you had reached the bottom of the hole.

"Richard, why did you push her!" yelled one of the colleagues. Richard said sternly "Because we don't need her. She'll most likely take away all the credit from us." Someone else said, "But that doesn't mean you needed to kill her." Richard walked up to them and they got intimidated and he said "Do you want to be next?" They shook their heads and gulped, "Good, now let's get out of this ruins place. There's nothing here but stupid rocks, nothing that will make us money." Nobody dared to go against his word so they followed him out. You opened your eyes to find yourself in complete darkness. You tried to find your flashlight and thankfully it was still on your belt. You lit it up and saw that it was cracked but at least it still gave off light. You tried to get up but felt a sharp pain in your left leg, you stopped yourself from screaming and looked at your leg. It was bruised and when you felt it, it felt as if one of the bones was broken from the naughty fall. You got up and put pressure on the leg, it hurt but you need to walk to get out of this place.

You limped through a long hall and saw many markings on the wall. After a long and painful walk you got to a bigger room. You flash the light around and find a weird statue in the middle of the room. You walked closer and saw writing on the ground that said, 'The curse can't be broken easily, don't help him. He deserves no physical touch.' Weird you thought as you looked at the stature. The statue was of a well built guy and he was on the ground with one knee and one hand stretched out as if trying to grab someone. The look on his face was that of fear as he mouth was open as if yelling at someone. The statue was made of one type of rock because everything was the same color but it had intriguing details. The hair looks fluffy but you knew well that it wasn't, no rock can be fluffy. You lifted up a hand and placed it on the statue's face, it was cold to the touch but suddenly it felt warm. "What the--" was all you could say before the statue started to move rigidly. It got up and stood to his full height about 7 feet and 4 inches if you calculated correctly.

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