Saving What Is Tainted Part 2 (Young!Canon!AFO)

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Requested: No one.  Genre: Angst and Fluff and more Angst

TW: Stabbing, Blood, Choking



Then he looked back and said "Thank you Y/n, and you can just call me Shigaraki."





This guy I helped is All For One. This sweet looking guy will destroy and kill many.

No, no, no this can't be!

What should I do? I can't just kill him right here, he hasn't done anything wrong at the moment. Maybe I should just follow him and stop him from doing anything wrong, yeah that seems like the best option here. He isn't a bad guy right now, I can probably trust him. Aimi couldn't stop thanking me for helping her son, she seems like a great mother. I looked put the window and saw that it was nighttime. "You should probably get going now miss Y/n" said Aimi though she seemed a bit sad. But I have nowhere to go, I'm practically homeless in this time period. "Yeah, I think I should go home before..... before mother gets angry I'm not back yet" I said. I really don't want to be a burden on the already stressed out mother. "Alright miss Y/n. Safe travels, I hope I see you again sometime soon" said Aimi.

I nod to here and open the door to leave. "Bye miss Y/n" I hear a small voice say and I look back and see Yoichi. I smile at him then I look at All... I mean Shigaraki and he just waves bye to me. I close the door and stood still. Where should I go? I look to my left and see some stair that lead up, most likely the roof. I walked towards them and climbed them, then I reached a door. I open the door and saw the rooftop of the building. I sigh sadly, I'm stuck in this time period and there is no way out. I must make my life here now, I lay down on the roof and stare at the stars that litter the dark sky. I see a shooting star pass by and I wish for something. "I wish to succeed at my mission and that I can go back home." After that I let sleep consume me and I fall asleep into a dreamless night.

~Time Skip~

"Y/n........Y/n wake up...........MISS Y/N WAKE UP!" I sit up frighten at who is screaming my name while I'm sleeping. "For a second I thought you were dead" I heard, I turn and saw Shigaraki towering over me with a grin on his face. My body stiffens at that grin, that evil grin that I saw back in my time. But this grin doesn't look evil it just looks like he's......happy, then it just fades away. "Why were you sleeping on the roof?" he asked monotonously. "I....I actually don't have a place to stay. I'm.... homeless" I said sincerely. He stared at me with a neutral face till he frown at what I said. He gave me his hand and I grabbed it as he helped me up to my feet. "You know you could have just ask Ma to stay and she would have let you" he said. "Oh" is all I said. Then he started tugging my hand so I would follow him and follow him I did. He took me to his door and did the special knock again.

I hear heavy footsteps and a man with long white straight hair in a ponytail answers he also had reddish-pinkish eyes. He must be their father, he looked at me and adjusted his black glasses. "You must be miss Y/n I assume. My dear Aimi wouldn't stop talking about you last night" he said with a smirk. My face heat up, she just met me and now she is talking about me to her husband. "Forgive my manners miss Y/n my name is Yukio Shigaraki but you can just call me Yukio" he spoke. I wave and say, "Nice to meet you Mr Yukio." He stepped aside and said, "Step in step in after all you are a treasured guest after you helped my son." "Oh it was nothing it's just what heroes are supposed to do" I say flattered. "Pa she doesn't have a home to stay at, she's homeless" said Shigaraki to his father. "Oh well then why don't you sleep on the couch I know it's not much but trust me it better than the hard mattresses we sleep on" said Yukio.

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