Love Bubbles (Yandere!AFO)

105 3 2

Requested: No one.   Genre: Normal (I think)

T/n - Twin's name

Tw: Choking, Death, Blood

A/n: Tried writing in 2nd POV and tried to write some affection scene but I'm not sure it fits into the fluff category.


2nd POV

Today was just another normal day in your life of being in a city full of heroes and villains. Of course you have your own quirk but it just allowed you to make bubbles from the palm of your hands. This wasn't useful in any situation either danger or just home life. Your twin sister on the other hand also had a similar quirk which allows her to make pink heart shaped bubbles. Honestly there just seems to be a difference in shape and color. So you were walking with your twin around the city just admiring the view of the city. As you two walked near some alleyways you both heard screaming coming from a dark and shady looking one. Obviously you back away and tried to walk back but your twin stopped you by grabbing your shirt. "We can't just leave" she said sternly to you. "T/n you know it's best that we call for heroes instead of barging in with our useless quirks" you said authoritatively.

"But we can at least stall while the heroes come" she said in a desperate tone. You huff in frustration and nod to her. "Can't believe were running into literal danger" you said quietly to yourself. Running after your sister you skid to a stop once you see that shes being grabbed by her throat and lifting her up against a brick wall. It seems as if the person that screamed either ran away or wasn't even there to begin with. "Hey! Let her go!" you screamed and the hooded person turned their head toward you. "You heard me!" you continued to yell, this might not have been the brightest idea but your sister was in danger. While the hooded figure was distracted with all your yelling T/n managed to lift one hand and threw her heart shaped bubbles at their face. They screamed as they grabbed what you can only assume is their eyes, and that scream sounded like a man. T/n got up and started to run to you as they collapsed in your arms and breathed heavily.

But with all her weight on you, you couldn't move so the hooded figure stopped grabbing their face and turned their head towards you. They seem to stare at your face as they tilt their head and start to slowly walk towards you two. Trying to walk backwards is futile because you will fall because of your sister. Once they got to you two they grabbed you sister and literally threw her away as if she was trash to them. You brace yourself to run but they manage to grab your left arm and dragged you to their chest. They lay you head on their chest as they start to cradle you, confused you look up at their face and realize that their hood had fallen off. You're able to see their face and realize it a man with a nice jawline, white fluffy hair and red eyes. But it seems that his eyes have a slight tint of pink that is only visible at a certain angle. But he didn't have a threatening face, no they had a face that showed he was in love.

It was creepy as he stared at me lovingly, though it could also be seen as lustfully too. You looked behind him and saw your sister get back up and looks at the guy weirdly. "Hello?" she asked confused to the guy, he stopped staring at you and backhand slapped her to the ground. He stared at her angrily before turning and smiling at you. T/n got back up and backed away as she said "I've never seen my bubbles do that. Then again I've never hit anyone in the face with my bubbles." Since they guy wasn't holding you anymore you motioned to your sister that you both should make a run for it. She nods and starts running and you follow suit, you hear the guy scream out "Don't go! Wait!" But you ignore it and run multiples twist and turns to lose him if he managed to follow you two. After all that running you manage to make it back to your apartment safely without any sign of him following you back here.

~Time Skip~

Pressing the channel buttons with boredom on your mind, you try to distract yourself from this boredom. Your twin was currently snoring in her room while you sat trying to find something entertaining to watch. *knock* *knock*, you heard these soft knock coming from the window to your right. Looking right you jump back frighten by the person standing there staring at you ever so lovingly. It was the same guy, how did he get here? The TV started to play the news and it said "Breaking News. It has been made apparent my many witnesses and heroes that this major villain is out on the lose. All For One is his name and he finally has shown up on streets looking for something. But we don't know why and what yet, all I advice is to stay home and avoid any contact with with this fiend." You looked at the TV and gasp once you see the picture it showing of the villain. Look back to the window to the guy outside, their the same guy. Getting up with fear, you slowly back yourself to the bedroom to try and wake your sister up.

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