Watery Fall (Siren!Softy!AFO)

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Requested: artmaker2.      Genre: Fluff with some drama

A/n: My version of sirens

TW: blood and drowning (kinda)

Background: Sirens the most dangerous monsters of the sea. They look like humans with fish tails. Scales on stomach and back. Some scales on their arms and faces. Gills on their necks fins on their arms with poison spikes. A long fin on their back that reaches the beginning of their tail to their upper back. This fin has many spikes that inject a deadly poison to whoever touches them. Sharp teeth that cut easily like a hot knife to butter. Webbed hands with sharp nails. Sharp ears with great hearing. Unaturally colored hair. They have vertical slits instead of circular pupils as well as unaturally colored eyes. But the most dangerous thing about sirens is their song, their voices. They will sing and attract their human prey, their prey will follow them to the seas and they will feast on them. Stay away from beaches and never ever talk to one of them. They are not to be trusted.



I walking on top rocks that were along the shore near the sea. I could hear the waves crashing onto the rocks making them wet and slippery. The waves were much higher than a couple hours ago and this made me worry now because the rocks are slippery and I could slip and fall into the deep water of the unkown seas. This scares me not only because I don't know how to swim but also because I was scared the the biggest predators of the seas even man feared... sirens.

I should probably start walking back because the waves are starting to get more higher and could possibly sweep me off the rocks. As I started walking back I heard heavy footsteps. I looked back and saw a man with scars on his face. I would have been calm until I saw dark scales and horns on his face. Sirens might be the most feared sea predator but dragons are the most feared land predator. I walked slowly backwards, my breath shakey. Dragons don't usually eat humans but there is always that small percent of it happening.

I gulp as he starts walking towards me faster then I was walking backwards. As the dragon got closer to me I felt the heel of my foot go over the edge of the rock. I leaned foward to not fall back. My breathing is irratic and fast. What should I do? The dragon gets closer to me as he grins and tries to grab me. I wasn't going to let him grab me and take me to kill and eat me. I tried to push him away but the force from that push ended up making me fall of the rock.

As I fell I saw the dragon with a frown on it face as he spread his wings and flies away. Dragons know not to mess with sirens thats why they don't go into the waters of the sea. As I fell there was a huge pain the went onto the back of my head. Just as I'm about to hit the water I black out.


Shigaraki POV


I jolted awake from my nap. What was that? What fell into the water? As I started to swim toward where I heard the noise from. As I got closer I started to smell blood, BLOOD someone is injured in the water. I swam faster and I saw what appears to be a young adult human woman. As I got closer to her I saw blood floating out into the water from the back of her head. I gently grabbed the back of her head and looked at her face, her eyes were closed.

She was knocked out cold. I gently wrapped my arms around her waist and swam up to the surface. As I reached the surface, I lifted her head out of the water so she wouldn't drown. I carefully swam to my cave so I could check on her better. Once inside my cave I laid her down on a small island made of sand which is where I sleep. I lifted her head and checked better and it seems as if she hit her head on a rock, must have been when she fell from the cliff above.

I'll need some seaweed to wrap her head up so she can heal faster. As I got near the entrance of the cave I look back at the human woman, hopefully she'll be save there. Then I when swimming to find the seaweed I need.

~Time Skip~


I slowly open my eyes and gasp. Where am I? I looked around and was surrounded by rocks and what appears to be moonlight shinging through some holes of the rock cave I was currently in. As I sat up I felt imense pain run through me, and my head had the most pain. I grabbed the back of my head and felt a thick liquid oozing slowly. I brought my hand to my line of sight I saw blood. My breathing stopped did this happen when I hit my head.


I heard water move and jumped a little, I turned my head and saw something come out of the water. My blood froze when I realized what it was. It was a siren! A male siren! I scream and tried to drag myself as far away from him but the pain didn't help and the small sand island didn't have to much space that wasn't in the water. The siren drag himself onto the island but then raised his hands. Was he trying to tell me that he won't hurt me? No he must be trying to trick me.

"Don't be scared human" he whispered. Why was he whispering? My breathing was short and rapid. "Let me help you, your head is in bad shape let me wrap your head so it heals faster" it was hard to understand because he just whispered. He raised what looks like some kind of seaweed in one of his webbed hands. Wait his hands don't have sharp nails as if he trimmed them, what? I started to feel light-headed from the blood loss.

Maybe, just maybe I can trust this siren. Now that I look at him he looks like a siren with white fluffy hair with red eyes. But his pupils were rounded not vertical slits, he looks more human, more friendly. Still has sharp teeth and ears. But his spikes seem as if there were snapped off, did he do that to himself. I think I can trust him. I dragged myself close to him and he smiled softly, he seems nice. Then he started to gently wrap my head with the seaweed.

"Thank you, um" I said, I don't even know his name. "Shigaraki" he whispered to answer me. "Why are you whispering" I asked. He looked down at his tails which had bright red scales. "I don't want to but you in a trance and accidently drown you" he whispered back. So he doesn't want to talk normal because his voice alone could be the death of me. I nodded understanding him. "My name is Y/n L/n nice to meet you, never thought I would meet a nice siren, no offense" I said and raised my hand for a handshake. "None taken" he whispered as he shook my hand.

We sat in silence on the small sand island. Now that I look at him better he looks so strong, he is build well. I wonder what he does in the ocean, what does he eat if he doesn't eat humans? The moonlight lit up his face and he had a nice jawline. I looK away as my face heats up from just looking at this handsome siren.


Shigaraki POV

I look away from the hum- I mean Y/n. She's just so beautiful, no female siren can reach her beauty. I blush as I face away from her. I hope we can be something more in the future. But for know lets be friends. Who knew I would meet a human who had a such a watery fall.

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