Bloody Flower (Hanahaki Disease!Redeemed!AFO)

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Requested: No one.    Genre: Angst

~ Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.~

A/n: I don't know if I liked how I wrote Y/n in this one

TW: Blood and Death


Shigaraki POV

Blood dripped form by mouth as I continued coughing into my sink. As I coughed a felt another flower in my throat and I coughed harshly. I heard the flower petal fall into the sink with the other flower petals I had coughed up. The flower petals were white lilies but they were covered in crimson blood. I looked up into the mirror that was above the sink and saw my face. My face isn't as scarred at it was before. I now have my face back except it still has some scaring. At least I'm somewhat approachable and don't look like a potato. But I doubt people find someone with red eyes and white hair appealing especially when my red eyes look scary and my hair is to fluffy to comb well. I look like very disheveled even my clothing, after leaving rehab and therapy I was given a cheap apartment and cheap clothing. But I know that the apartment has some hidden cameras to spy on me and my behavior. I wiped my mouth with a red towel I now carry around everywhere I go in case I cough up more blood.

I got ready to go outside and put on a decent outfit with what I was given. Then I grabbed the tracker I was obligated to wear everytime I go out and placed it into the pocket of my shirt. I put on a jacket but it's annoying to adjust because of these quirk-canceling bracelets I'm being forced to wear on both wrists and they aren't small either, their quite bulky and it's very annoying. I grabbed the little allowance they give me work every week and exit my apartment. As I walk outside I see a mother with her child playing on a swing, but then she sees me and grabs her child. Then she starts walking away with a frightened face, I would frown but I'm already used to this happening. With people walking or running away from me before I can even say a simple 'Hi'. But I deserve this after everything I've done to these people and I don't resent them.

I start coughing and coughed out some blood onto the sidewalk, then a group of people that was walking by started speed walking once they saw me cough out the blood. Then I had the sudden urge to cough harshly and I did so much that my throat started to hurt. I also managed to cough out three bloody lily petals, oh what a waste of such a pretty flower. I even research what that flower symbolizes and most people seem to agree on rebirth and purity. Though I don't know how that relates to me and this rare disease I have. I did research my symptoms and the internet told me it was hanahaki disease and a rarer version where you cough blood and flower petals. I researched it more and now I'm scared for myself and wellbeing, if I don't find a cure soon I'll inevitable die. The thing is that there is only one cure and I don't think I'll be able to even obtain it, and I don't even have enough money for the surgery. I stopped walking once I noticed that I had arrived to my destination, a small cafe.

This is the place where she works, my face turns red as I think about her. I inhale and exhale to calm down my face and my nerves. I walk into the cafe and see her working at the counter taking orders and such. When I entered the bell of the door chimed and everyone turned to look at me and I sweatdrop. Then everyone suddenly got up and started fleeing the cafe in a hurry, I sigh this always happens when I go anywhere. I walk up to the counter and see her, "Hey N/n" I said shyly and she smiles at me and replies with "Hey Shiggy. What would you like today? The usual?" I think then I looked at the menu and decide to try something different, "Um... I'll have a strawberry shortcake with a uh... what would you recommend to drink with that?" I see her in thought then she says "Probably a frappuccino." "Sure I take that" I said and grin at her and she grins back at me, oh how she makes my heart thump.

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