Crestfallen With Scales (Cursed!Dragon!AFO)

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Requested: No one. Genre: Normal (?)

Tw: Mention of trying to kill, blood

Crestfallen: sad and disappointed

A/n: Wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.



I lived in a village that's at the edge of this dark mountain where a dangerous dragon resides. I've never seen it for myself but from the wives' tales I've heard it's the worst. It's been described to be as white as snow or even whiter, eyes redder than crimson blood. Sharp teeth sharper than any weapon my village can make, and a dangerous firepower no one knows how strong it is for sure. It's lived there for a long time, but no one is for sure how he came to be. Apparently every decade he comes down and terrorizes the village but I never remember that ever happening and I'm in my 20s. I don't believe them and just ignore them as they babble on. Anyway, today I was tasked with gathering different crystals from the mountain's cave for the local blacksmith. Said he needed them for his creations, but I know fully well that these crystals aren't used for his work. It was an easy walk, actually nothing came and tried to hurt me, which was a bit odd but what do I care.

"I can't believe I'm being forced to do this" I grumbled as I filled my sack with the multicolored crystals. I grimaced as I looked around, there was no stupid dragon around. I bet it was all a lie to keep us inside the village. I saw a cave which appears to lead deeper into the mountain. I look back and head inside. I'm sure I won't be missed, besides that blacksmith was a jerk. I hummed as I entered the cave and saw glowing crystals. I followed them and got into a larger caver, though it looked like a room. It was filled with different things, too many to describe. I stopped walking as I heard a growl. I slowly turned around and froze when I saw the albino dragon. It was huge, it almost didn't fit into the cavern. I needed to run but I couldn't, my legs were stiff. I slowly shuffled backwards as the dragon eyes me and growls slowly. It started to walk towards me and the ground trembled, my legs finally listened and I ran, dropping my sack full of crystals. I made it outside of the cave but noticed it wasn't following me. I stopped and looked back.

Why hadn't it followed me out here? My mind begged to leave but my heart told me to head back and see. I groaned remembering I had left the crystals back there too. I sighed and walked back inside, I peeked over a wall and saw the dragon laying down. The dragon used one of his claws to open the sack and he saw the many crystals tumble out. My eyes widened as I saw his form shrink down, I watched in awe as most of his scales disappeared. Then I saw a man, he was still quite tall. Seemed at least 7 feet tall, and he was well built. I huffed at my thoughts, my eyes traveled down and noticed he wasn't wearing anything. My mouth gaped open as I covered my eyes, I bet my face was as red as his eyes. I peeked through my fingers and saw he had put on a worn out cloth to at least cover himself. You could still see his chest, which had many scars. I think back to his dragon form and remembered seeing scars, guess many have tried getting rid of him.

He had short fluffy white hair and red eyes, it matched his dragon form. He crouches down and grabs some crystals and examines them. He growls after a bit and throws them into the wall, smashing them into pieces. I flinched, wondering what he wanted with those crystals. Maybe if he leaves I can grab the rest and get out of here. The dragon-man-human, whatever he is, walked away into another cave passageway and I tipped my way to the crystals. I tried to carry the sack, but all the crystals fell out letting out a rhythm noise as they all crashed and shattered. My eyes widened as I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck. He growled as I slowly turned and forced a smile. Before I could make a move I got pinned to the ground. "What are you doing here, puny human!?" he growled out. My voice came out in a squeak as I struggled to come up with words. "Pathetic" he said as he let me go and got up. I got a better look at him and saw he still had white scales but sparsely. He also still had his white wings and tail.

I sat up and boldly or stupidly said, "Why do you want those crystals?!" He turned his head and growled, "That's none of your business!" I frown, "Well you looked disappointed even a bit sad." He growled showing his sharp teeth and then he sighed and frowned. "I can't keep up with this. I hate this form. I hate everyone and everything" he said as he looked away, his tail swinging behind. I looked away and asked, "What happened to you?" He rolled his eyes, "I was cursed for my crimes. My crimes managed to set humanity back to medieval times. Quirks died out all because of me and my goal to be the demon lord" he said as he looked at his hands. I peeked and saw that his hand had holes in them. "I've been trying everything to get rid of this curse. It's unbearable having to be a huge dragon or have wings and a tail in these times. Not that people wouldn't look at me weird due to my albino features" he continues.

"Wow, that's awful. On your part and what has happened" I said, not looking at him."What are quirks?" I asked, looking at him curiously. He sighed, "Superpowers in a way, yet mine is useless without other quirks existing." That sounds awesome, but I have more questions now. "So did you have fam-?" I was cut off by him yelling, "Quiet!" I looked away and scratched my neck, "Being a dragon doesn't sound that bad..." I regretted it. "You don't know what it's like when people try to stab your heart and when they do... you feel the pain but the curse leaves you alive, unable to die" he said. I stand up and look at his scars, "May I?" I asked. "No" he said and flew away with his wings leaving me alone in the cavern. I sighed and began walking out of the cave, I looked back at the opening and continued down. I feel bad for him, for some reason. I arrived at the village and the blacksmith berated me, I didn't let it slide and screamed back at him exposing him.

~Time Skip~

This village really sucks, they kicked me out for standing up to myself. Right now I was living in a makeshift tent when I saw a group of people traveling down the mountain, their weapons bloody. I struggled to hear what they said but my eyes widened at the words, "Dragon" and "Slayed". I started to run up the mountain and entered the cave. I ran and almost slipped on the wet rock floor. I gasped as I saw blood on the floor, I followed it and saw the dragon lying on its side. Their chest was punctured as blood seeped out, my eyes widened more as he transformed back to his human form. I didn't care that he didn't have any clothing on, so I ran to him and pressed his chest. He hissed in pain and tried to bite my hand. "Hold on. I know you won't die but let me alleviate you" I said and he layed back down groaning. I bandaged them with whatever I could find in his cave. He sighed in relief and sat up, "I can never do anything due to the pain" he said softly. "By the way, what's your name? Mine's Y/n" I said as I looked at his red eyes.

He put his head into his hands massaging his head, then he looked at me. "Just call me... Shigaraki" he said. I nod and look away blushing since he didn't have anything on, I decided to try something stupid and when he lowered his hands I placed mine on his. He frowned and looked at me, "What are you trying to convey?" he asked. I blush and take my hand away, "Nothing" I said. He shakes his head and gets up, I look away as his tail smacks my cheek. "Jerk" I said as he slightly turned his head, boring his red eyes into my soul. "What did you just say? Was that Master?" he asked as he smiled showing off his sharp pearly whites. "Now I'm wondering what you are trying to convey," I said and smiled. "Don't tempt me. I've never had a mate... I mean partner before" he said as he corrected himself. "Sounds like that curse is affecting your way of thinking," I said and smirked. "Aren't you a naughty one, I ought to put you in time out" he said as he looked at a corner of his cavern.

I grabbed my chest, "No way I'm too old for that." He smiles and says, "Compared to my age you seem like a teen." I lift an eyebrow up, "That sounds illegal." He chuckles, "My dear, I may be a couple centuries older than you but you're very much an adult. Ignore what I just said about our ages." I laugh and shake my head, "Careful we just met yesterday." He tilts his head, "I heard you got kicked out, you could stay if you'd like though I hope you don't mind seeing me when I transform into my human form." I look away and reply, "I'll just close my eyes." He leans closer to me and growls jokingly, "You better, I'm not fond of being nude in front of people. Especially ladies I just met." I blush and look away, he shakes his head and grabs my shoulder. "I hope you don't mind being with a dragon, because breaking this curse will take a while" he said as he grabbed my chin. I giggled, "Honestly, I like this. Maybe you could not try to break this curse? I'm not stopping you though."

"You better help! I don't want to be disappointed anymore!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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