Watery Fall Part 2 (Siren!Softy!AFO)

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Requested: @artmaker2          Genre: Angst and Fluff

TW: Blood, Stabbing, Death


It's been about a year since I met Shigaraki, the male siren that saved me that day I fell into the water trying to escape a dragon and had gotten hurt. Ever since that day I've seen sirens in a different light. I mean they still are the most dangerous monsters of the sea, but now I know that one in millions of sirens can actually be nice. Everyday since that fateful meeting I go visit Shigaraki at his cave/home to keep him company and learn more about him. Today as I trek to the beach and get ready to hitch a ride on Shigaraki's back. I remember that today I have swimming lessons. Ever since that day I had gone to swimming lessons to learn how to swim and not fear the water as I used too. Once I got to the shoreline of the beach I see the reflection of the sunlight reflecting off of his beautiful red scales.

I look at him dreamily he's just so handsome and build so well. Honestly I wish I could just spend the rest of my day my hand entangled in his fluffy white hair and staring into his gorgeous ruby red eyes. Safe to say that I had fallen for him and fallen for him hard too. But... I don't think it will work a human and a siren. How is that even remotely possible, one lives on land and the other on water. I snap out of my thought when I feel cold salty water splash onto me. I saw Shigaraki grinning at me and I chuckles back. Shigaraki has gotten more comfortable around me that he is acting more like himself. "Come on N/n before someone sees you and me and think I'm about to kill you!" Shigaraki had gotten so comfortable with me that doesn't whisper anymore, once he knew that his siren voice can only put humans in a trance when he sings.

He has a nice voice which is so animated and very angelic but he voice is also very velvety. I love his voice a lot. I smiled at him and laid on his back and wrapped my arms around his chest. I could feel him breathing softly. "Hold you breath as always" he said and I held my breath as we went underwater. After a bit we finally got to his cave and we both got onto his sand island that he made bigger for the both of us to be able to be on comfortably. "Hey Shiggy I have a question?" I asked Shigaraki using his nickname. We are great friends that we have nicknames for each other. "Shoot" he said, I ask question and he answers. "So if you don't eat humans then what do you actually eat?" I asked him but then I regret asking.

Shigaraki POV

My back stiffens and I frown at Y/n's question. She's never asked this type of question about me personally. I look at her and see that she has regret in her eyes, I guess she must have read my body posture. But she deserves to know. "I... I guess I can answer that. I usually eat edible seaweeds or fishes that I manage to catch." I see Y/n thinking and she speaks, "I guess that makes sense. Why don't you eat humans?" I hum at her question, I guess she will ask more personal questions about me. "Firstly killing anything with sentient thought is cruel and evil and secondly I personally hate the taste of humans." I look at Y/n and her face looks like she has one more question but it seems big and very personal. "Go ahead and ask" "Where do you come from?" My pupils shrink turn into vertical slits at this question. Many terrible thought run through my head from where I'm from and my awful past.


I seen his pupils turn into vertical slits as he makes a frightened face and bares his sharp teeth. Before I could say anything he splashes into the water and swims away as fast as a torpedo. "I didn't mean to say anything bad" I said to nobody. My lips quiver as tears form into my eyes, but I wipe them away. This is my fault now he probably hates me. Maybe he'll be back and we can talk about it. So I decide to wait and see if he comes to help me and talk.

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