Mitsuki divorce

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Mitsuki been quiet since izuku ran away and heard the vigilante broke Inko back making her not be a hero anymore even though she deserved it for neglecting izuku

Mitsuki failed herself not being a stricter mother and punishing her children and hear what her children been bullying izuku she failed so mitsuki don't see katsuki and katsumi as her children anymore just monsters in her eyes

Mitsuki just got back from her job as she entered her home she sees someone else shoes by the door they were high heels as mitsuki keep looking and see close everywhere women clothes and masarou clothes mitsuki didn't want to believe it as she marched upstairs and here moaning in her and masarou bed room

Mitsuki got angry and kicked the door down shocking masarou and the women

Mitsuki:masarou what the hell is this

Masarou:mitsuki I can explain

Mitsuki:explain what you having an affair with another women behind me back

Masarou:hey you focused on our kids that's understandable as a mother but I also needed needs only a husband and wife do for each other and you weren't there when I needed those needs like you don't want to have sex with me or do any husband and wife stuff like cuddle,go on dates,anniversaries you just forgot all that and focused on our kids yes i admit I had an affair but you mitsuki you just forgot about me like I was some random dude

Mitsuki:then why didn't say anything to me about how you felt

Masarou:I did multiple times but you ignored me like I did exist and focused on the twins after we know they were using there quirks on innocents people mostly on izuku just for being a normal human


Masarou:I talked to my therapist surprisingly you didn't show up to me and my therapist talked and  mitsuki I love you with all my heart but did you love me as me or just for my quirk I try to be a good husband to you but you just keep leaving me behind that's why I did this affair since you didn't love me anymore

Mitsuki:masarou i do love you but...

Masarou:don't tell it was the twins wasn't it

Mitsuki nods

Masarou:not surprised that's why my therapist said it's our time to separate from each other since you don't want to be with me anymore

Masarou looks at the women

Masarou:you can leave now

The women leaves the bed and goes down stairs and picks up her clothes and leaves the house

Masarou goes to the desk and gives mitsuki the divorce papers

Masarou:just sign it and our marriage will be over and you can make me the bad guy in this if you want to try this marriage again and be a better wife call me or whatever

Masarou takes off his wedding ring and set it on the table and head downstairs and puts on his clothes and leaves the house

Mitsuki just tears up

Mitsuki:I've been a awful wife I wasn't there for masarou because of the twins not only I lost izuku now I lost masarou what kind of awful person am I

Few days later

In court masarou and mitsuki got there divorce as masarou took the twins while mitsuki gets a welfare check every once of month after the divorce appointment mitsuki was alone in her house as masarou and katsuki,katsumi picked up there stuff and moved out of the house to a new house

Mitsuki and rei are at a restaurant

Rei:I'm sorry that happened mitsuki

Mitsuki:I deserve it I wasn't being a good wife and mother if I can go back in time and change it I would the twins wouldn't hurt izuku and be a better wife to masarou

Rei:life never going to be fair to everyone doesn't matter if your man,woman or child we live in a world where if you have a villainous quirk your labeled as a villain even though you didn't hurt anyone or anything and people with quirks are racist to normal people for not having a quirk this world isn't sunshine and rainbows

Mitsuki:I know I just wish I could've been a better wife

Rei:you will maybe not to masarou but there other men in world who knows who you will find a celebrity,sports player,chef,etc

Mitsuki:thank rei I appreciate how's life about you

Rei:shoka and Shoto are being ignored by there siblings enji but a tight lease on there training since they hurt izuku they wear heavy weights all the time
Besides from that I'm still there mother if they want me forgiveness they need to earn it they have to feel how izuku felt throughout the years

Mitsuki:must be difficult

Rei:yeah just wish they helped izuku not hurt him

Mitsuki and rei finish there lunch and went there separate ways

(Tomorrow I'll be working on izuku anger

And Monday I'll be working on the hated multiverse

Tuesday I'll be working on Yn multiverse)

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