Eight~ Truth Untold

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Tristan had questions, why had he never pushed to know who this mystery Werewolf was, if for no other reason than his own curiosity. Kyler would have told him; eventually, with enough nagging.

Arriving at his door step didn't take long, not with Vampire speed and a racing mind of thoughts. The door bell ring was long, agonising for the impatient hearts. The face at the door was recognised instantly as Kyler's dad, Tristan had met him a handful of times over the years. David said his hellos and invited Tristan in, letting him make his way upstairs.

Turning the corner atop of the stairs, opening the door to Kyler's room, Tristan was greeted with an alarming sight. The red burning mark on Kyler's shoulder had spread and was almost up his neck and down to his elbow.

''Holy shit, who the fuck did that?!'' Tristan yelled before covering his mouth as Kyler whispered for him to shut up.

''You've seen this before?'' Kyler's eyes softened as he whispered, Tristan's only grew more conscious of the situation they were in.

''Of course, I've seen it... it's Vampire burn'' Trying to sound casual as to not alert Kyler's panic, knowing that Vampire burn is no light subject.

Kyler grabbed a shirt, throwing it over his head messily, only being gentle on his left side. Tristan pondered how to deal with this, it wasn't exactly an overnight fix. Grabbing a jacket, Kyler took Tristan's hand, pulling him downstairs and out the door, with a hasty goodbye to his father.

''Where are we going?'' Tristan was growing nervous at the thought of being outside, he wondered what other mysteries the outside could hold or what dangers they might find.

Kyler hadn't exactly thought this through, he wanted both sides in the same room, he wanted an explanation from both sides, he was just as unaware of what had happened in the woods as anyone else and he didn't like it. Had Pax known about this Vampire burn? Could he or his parents help? Why was it happening now?

''KYLER!'' Tristan had stopped and was tugging on Kyler's arm to get his attention. It worked, as Kyler focused on Tristan's face, not sure how to answer the question, not sure if he'd like the answer, so he just kept going.

Tristan gave in and followed, realising how anxious Ky must be with his burn; he hoped it hadn't started to hurt yet, not even wanting to imagine the kind of pain Kyler would inevitably be in once it spread enough.

The rest of the walk was, fortunately, uneventful. That is until they reach the clearing in the woods, unveiling the small cottage, housing the one person Kyler needed right now, leaving Tristan less than happy about the circumstances.

Before they had even gotten halfway to the house, Pax had thrown himself out the door, with rage in his eyes.

''What's he doing here?'' The harsh tone that was clearly thrown at Tristan was not lost on anyone. Kyler looked between them, not knowing where to start.

''Oh cool it Wolfy, this is more important than you and me.'' Tristan wasn't in the mood for these unpleasantries, he was more focused on the burn making its way up his best friends arm.

''You're not helping Tristan.'' Kyler said calmly, turning back to explain the situation. Pax's face went red.

''Tristan? This is Tristan? Your best friend is a Vampire?! How could you not tell me that?!'' Pax couldn't believe what he was seeing, how could Kyler have been friends with a Vamp?

Facing Pax, Kyler was realising how difficult this situation would be to explain. Seeing how hysterical his boyfriend was at just this part alone, Ky wasn't looking forward to the rest of the night.

Kyler fumbled to find the right words, or any words, but their attention was drawn to Tristan who was chuckling to himself while rubbing his eyes.

"I can't believe this... You're really standing here trying to control who he's friends with... Dude, he's dying, can we maybe focus on that first?" Tristan wasn't holding his punches anymore, they could have their drama later when Kyler's life wasn't in danger.

"What?!" Pax and Kyler said in unison, Tristan hadn't let slip how fatal the situation could be thus far, trying to keep Kyler's nerves in check.

Everyone wore an expression of exhaustion, no one knew if they should speak, the situation had become dire.

After a minute, Pax motioned for them to go inside. Willow's face scrunched up as soon as she got a whiff of Tristan, who remained stood just outside the doorway of the humble cottage.

Kyler decided to leave the words unsaid, taking his shirt off to show the burn that was starting to tingle on the surface of his skin.

Pax was confused, he'd never seen anything like this before, though he knew well enough that if the Vamp had said it was killing Kyler, then that's what was happening.

The other Wolf in the room wasn't confused, she had seen this before, it was how the Solar Vampires had started invading the Wolves camps for the last few weeks.

Willow had explained the re immersion of the Solar clan, their numbers were great but nobody knew quite what they wanted yet, they hadn't made any demands.

"Oh my god.... I know what they want." Tristan was watching the floor as the words tumbled out.

It seemed they had left the burn on Kyler as a countdown to be given what they had asked Tristan for the previous night, what they had come back from the dead for.

They wanted the Blue Wolf.

Pax, being the latest heir of the royal Werewolves, was the one the Solar Vampires had decided would pay for the original Wolf boys sin. The Wolf who had fallen in love and started the biggest war any of them had ever known.

It was silent for a while as they pondered. The quiet was broken by Kyler who had started to feel a burning sensation on his shoulder, he fell back against the wall to keep his balance.

Pax turned to Tristan, pleading with his eyes. "Can't you just remove it? You're a Vamp, you gotta know how to do that." It felt more like he was telling Tristan than asking.

Guilt crept over his face, Tristan had done nothing but wish he could help since he saw the burn. "It's Solar magic, I can't undo that, I'm sorry, it's out of my hands." He let his face drop, having nothing else to say.

"What the hell is this Solar and Lunar crap?! What happened to just Vampires?" Pax was furious at his lack of knowledge and his struggles to understand, he didn't have time to be this clueless. Tristan, truthfully, didn't have a good answer, it was just an evolutionary defect that happened and had burnt out as quickly as it started half a century ago. As to why they were back now, it must have been for something big.

Pax invited Tristan in for the day, noting that the sun was rising and he was now stuck there.

It was decided that Willow would warn her parents of the Solars and their plan, it wasn't until she reached the door she saw them.

There in the tree line the Solars stood, just long enough to make their presence known. "Bring us the Blue Wolf and we spare the human." It came through in the form of telepathy that only Tristan had heard.

That wasn't a solution that he was willing to let happen but he saw no other way out. The war had been over, there was little to no bad blood left, it seemed only the Solars had a grudge to grieve.

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